Chapter 13.

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We posed for photos and Josh snapped away, the three of us taking selfies with the Statue of Liberty. I searched for Howard Huntsberry on YouTube and blasted Higher and Higher as we sat in her magnificent shadow. Kate chatting and laughing throughout. This was a memory I had already boxed up and tucked away, safely stored for when I needed it. Josh chuckled at the grin that hadn't left my face. Another cup? he asked taking my empty coffee from me. Yes, I replied and Kate too handed her empty over to the tall man. The three of us slowly walked back towards the ferry dock, the tune still playing on repeat from my phone. Josh paused at the busy coffee cart and I hummed along with the music, singing the lines I knew. Kate leaned into my shoulder, you can sing. I shrugged, no not really. She smiled her sparkling smile at me and nodded, yeah you can.

We boarded the ferry, it wasn't due to leave for another ten minutes, Kate and I sat next to each other with Josh opposite. I finished my coffee and tossed it into a trash can nearby. I wasn't aware of Josh with his phone tilted up toward us, he said something in a low voice and then I remember drifting off into a brief but deep sleep, resting on Kate.

We said our goodbyes to Josh at the dock when we arrived back to the city and he headed off to some meetings he had on for the day.
What do you want to do? Kate questioned.
What do you suggest?
Central Park? There's lots to see there.
I nodded and we stopped at a food truck to grab some lunch, hot dogs and headed down one of the stony pathways. Home Alone, Lost in New York, I muttered. And many other awesome films, Kate responded as we walked beneath a cobblestoned bridge. I took a bite of my hotdog and we walked in silence for a while, eating and letting out the occasional comment of how good our choice of lunch had been.
Beep Beep
I stopped along the path, oh a video I said out loud. Kate leaned into me with her head on my shoulder, I pressed play. It was Josh's face on the screen,

These two have known each other for a week and already they're going to be everyone's friendship goals he said. The camera then flipped to show Kate and I on the bench opposite him. My body was curled into her, my head in the crook of her neck, eyes closed, asleep. Kate's left arm was around me. Kate then rested her head against me, lifted it up to kiss my forehead and then rested back down, looking back to her phone.

I was beaming, Kate raised her head and lay a bunch of kisses in the crook of my neck. Send me that, she said. I did, instantly.
Beep Beep.

We wandered the gardens and park, took photos, laughed and talked about our lives. We stopped on a bench, overlooking a small pond.
Will you stay?
Stay? I responded.
Tonight, with me again.
I nodded. Do we need to get a blanket?
Kate laughed, no we don't need one.

We were back at Kate's apartment after stopping for more food at a cafe and taking photos with the Naked Cowboy in Times Square.
NBC on our next day off, Kate said.
I grinned eagerly, Pllleeeaaseeee.

It was late afternoon and I had plans to Skype my family back home. Kate set me up on her computer and I dialled through. There on the screen were my parents, sister and brother in law.
Heeeyyyyyyyy! I said
My Mum burst into tears and started laughing-her way of dealing with emotions.
How are you guys??
We chatted about what was happening back home and I told them how my first week had been.
I'm sorry for the lack of texts, there's been so much to do and so little time to be able to sit and write it all out for you in an email.
Kate had decided to take a bath whilst I was on my call to give me some privacy, even though I kind of wanted her right there next to me. A gentle meow came from Nino whom was curled up next to me, I picked him up and shoved him into the laptop camera.
This is Nino, I said proudly as the black and white beast squirmed in my grip. I put him down and he ran off. I'm at Kate's apartment, I explained, that's her cat. We chatted more and I told them what I was allowed to share about the movie , which wasn't much. I promised to send them through photos as soon as I had approval to do so. I literally have to have everything approved, I explained, including my current social media accounts. But I'll get that lil blue tick next to my name, I'll be Official, I say with excitement.

We talk for another twenty or so minutes and then I hear he bathroom door open, I peer around the laptop and see Kate bounding over, her hair still wet and already she's in her pyjamas. Can I say hi? she mouths, I nod, and reach out a hand to guide her down next to me. Kate grins into the screen, Hi I'm Kate, she waves at my family and they greet her in return. You should be really proud of Laura, she's really adjusted to set life. We've had long days.
Kate slid her hand into mine, out of shot of the camera, squeezing softly. I smile.
Kate took me sightseeing today, we had the day off. Josh came too, we took a bunch of fun photos, I'll send when I can.
We all chatted for another thirty minutes and then I said goodnight to my family as it was quite late on their end.

What do you want to do?
Well you're already in your pyjamas so I'm guessing a night in?
Kate laughed and scrunched her nose. My heart just melted. We had been sitting on cushions upon the floor with Kate's laptop on the coffee table. Still holding my hand the gorgeous blonde pulled me up to the couch. Putting my arm around her she cuddled into me. I lay against the corner of the couch, allowing Kate to nestle into me. I remembered the video from the ferry & planted a kiss against Kate's hair, laying my head against her. She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me close. We snuggled together in silence for what seemed like ages. I ran my fingers up and down the arm that was firm on my waist. I put both my arms around her, pulling her close to me. I felt her lips find my collarbones again, gently planting soft kissed along them, and then up my neck. She snuggled back into me and I closed my eyes, cherishing the incredible moment.
This is perfect I heard Kate finally whisper.

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