Chapter 3.

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The next few weeks went by in utter chaos. I had to organise resigning from work. Arrange a passport, visa. A dinner with colleagues and friends, family popped in and out. My mind was a constant spin of fantasy, excitement and utter shock. I had won. My crazy, all over the place short video entry had won me a spot in the upcoming Ghostbusters Answer The Call sequel. I had cried, God had I cried. Balled. I was a complete mess. How had this happened, to me. To plain, boring loner me? I suddenly had an agent, Josh. A young kind man, ' your life will change forever' was the first thing he had said to me. I wanted to laugh, my life had changed long before that. Beautiful Jillian Holtzmann, Kate, that beautiful Kate had changed my life the first time I had sat down in that movie theatre. Then again the second, third and fourth time. It finished screening before I could make it an uneven five. I had meetings in Australia to attend, workshops and coaching sessions to go to before even heading to the airport. I had drawn on everything I could remember from high school drama into those workshops. I had phone calls and conference chats with movie executives on the phone. 'This will just be a small part' 'You will been seen in the film, it will be limited but you will have a role.' I didn't care. I just wanted to be on that plane, at the studio. I wanted to see it all, make memories and see Her. I just wanted that moment.

My flight to the United States left early on a Tuesday morning. My family farewelled me at the airport. I clutched my paperwork for fear of misplacing it, even though I had originally checked it had been zipped up safely in my carry on a thousand times. Josh had flown over a few days before me to set up my hotel, and get things ready for me. What did I need to be ready for? There was no way of preparing me for what I knew would come. I would be a frantic embarrassing mess. As my flight was announced I stepped through the doors to the international terminal, waving to my excited family. I began to cry, to them I'm sure they thought it was because I would miss them. But it wasn't, it was because I knew that moment in my life that I had waited 34 years for was just beginning.

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