Chapter 5.

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I will be here on set Josh said as he parked his old Ford. He shut off he engine and turned to me. You're gonna be nervous. You're probably going to say some silly things. They were all in that boat once. They're excited to meet you Laura. They're really excited to welcome you. I nodded. They? Are we talking the cast? Kate? The producers? Paul? I wanted specifics. What did they know about me? Were they a little reserved about the idea of it all? A competition winner getting a role in the film? I had read through the script a thousand times. Surely I wasn't going to be needed here for so long. I'd never done anything remotely similar to this. Maybe it just takes a while to film scenes. I wasn't in the movie much. I barely had lines. I wasn't a main role. Maybe I just had to be here the entire time for secrecy purposes?

Josh and I walked towards the doors of the studio. It was situated on a large block. There were multiple movie sets and we were using an office type building. The schedule stated the first week was for run throughs of the script, role play with our characters, seeing how they would interact in situations. The whole thing was confusing to me. This was a sequel. Didn't the characters already know how they would interact? How they would deal with situations? As selfish as it was to think, maybe his was all for me. A few days for me to settle, explore my character. Work on losing my ridiculous Crocodile Hunter accent to speak with an American drawl. Develop my character? I almost laughed out loud. I was taking things too far, I blamed my daydreams.

We were the first ones there. I readjusted my handbag on my shoulder, quickly checked my phone to make sure it was on silent. Josh walked me into a large room. On one side sat a piano, drum kit and guitar on a small raised stage. The other side housed a large table. Water bottles places at each seat. A conference- type phone in the centre. A pile of papers, which I could only image were scrips in a tidy stack. The room smelled old, musty, under-used. Josh saw the awe and concern on my face. He gave me a reassuring smile and motioned for me to take a seat. Anywhere, he said. I looked to the table and then the couch that was between the table and stage. Rather than being offical and taking a chair at the table, what if they had their specific seats, I thought to myself. I chose the couch. Josh tapped my shoulder as his phone began ringing. I have to head off for a few minutes, but I will be back. Relax.

Ha. Relax.

I curled my legs up on the couch and dropped my bag next to the couch. I then changed my mind and put it next to me on the couch. I sat there for what felt like forever. Where was Josh. Kate. Where was everyone? I dug into my bag and pulled out my ear buds, plugged them into my phone. I quickly scanned my playlist and chose some Gavin DeGraw. I needed to focus and relax. I closed my eyes briefly and let the music carry me away. I stared at the screen of my phone. I was listening but at the same time trying to listen for any sound of anyone over the music , not daring to turn around to face the door.
Where was Josh.
Just as I felt tears begin to sting my eyes, thinking his whole thing was a mistake and the wrong person for the job had been chosen there was a tap on my shoulder. I spun around, pulling the headphones from my ears as I did. My mouth agape, and nothing coming from it but a squeak. Melissa McCarthy. THE Melissa McCarthy, Sookie from Gilmore Girls, THE ABBY YATES was standing there in front of me. I then smiled, her giggle instantly relaxing me. Heyyyy Laura! Melissa said. Welcome to the team! She held out a hand and I rose from the couch, she shook my hand and then embraced me, awkwardly from over the couch edge. I let out a laugh, instantly feeling at ease. My gapping mouth closed and then instantly broke into a smile. I suddenly lost all my nervousness and apprehension. Thank you I replied and reached for my bag. Melissa laughed ohhhh that accent, it's so gorgeous. I laughed too. I think everyone is running late, Melissa stated. The short woman rounded the couch and sat next to me, how are you feeling?
I let out a small laugh, all of them, I'm feeling everything. I then wished I hadn't said that, how stupid. I would be feeling exactly the same Laura. Before I had a chance to begin some sort of conversation and actually use Melissa's name out loud a bounding Kate, beautiful Kate McKinnon sauntered in the door. All my feelings returned. I wanted to pass out. This was not happening. It was not happening to me.

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