My, they are not exaggerating.

I figured, I might have started turning red because of holding back my laughter until Marshal snatched her phone, "Give me that!" And then he muttered a couple of French swears.

And once more we continued laughing and the rest came up with their fair share of funny throwbacks. . . only Niall has a throwback for me but that doesn't make it less scary.

When we got home, Niall made me do my homeworks since it had came to his attention that I was asleep in some of my classes and I didn't do my homeworks so he said it's the least I could do since he came with me in Victoria so, in return, I shall do my homeworks.

But I have my way of doing my homeworks.

I've got my laptop on my lap, my right hand holding my pen on top of my open notebooks and textbooks. I'm a multi-homework do-er, if that's even a real thing. I shift from one homework to another when I get bored so maybe I could finish them all at the same time. I've got my headphones on playing random songs.

"Mate, can I borrow your notebook you're holding? That's for Chemistry, right?" I asked Niall.

"This is Taylor's," He said.

"That doesn't make it less interesting. Fly away," I said, getting ready to catch it.

Niall groaned, stood up and gave the notebook to me, "A single rip and we're both dead."

"Right," I said, when Niall came back to his bed, I turned up the volume of my headphones and continued with my homeworks.

Once, I stood up from my spot and took out an apple from the mini-fridge. Man, we need to go shopping. After, I went back to where I was seated on my bed, making myself comfortable and started munching through my food while I do the rest of my thing.

When I was almost finished, I kept the ones I was done with inside my bag and then continued, Chemistry being the last. But I decided to take a minute break.

I continued with my research about the paper airplane and RT.

"RT, come on, reveal yourself," I mumbled. I looked at the known pictures of the alleged Youngest Impact record holder, first place and though that doesn't reveal his identity, it give clues. I looked through the pictures of that night he broke a record, shifting my gazes to the furthest corners and oddest places.

Only one have came close, I saw that RT with that paper airplane drawing printed on his black jacket, plus he's the only one holding a marker. I zoomed through the picture since it's almost too far. He's got his back facing the camera and he's wearing a beanie. I zoomed through and then cropped the photo.

I observed it, especially RT from head to toe, a black beanie with some random numbers, it's like something '62 amd then his big signature printed at the back of his jacket. In the picture, he seemed to be leading them, his arms raised up and people seemed like they're cheering. How I wish I was one of them.

For a few years in my life, I'd been obsessed with finding his identity. . .only now have I came closer and curiouser. He's my freaking spirit animal and honestly, I still want to beat a record he made but it's only one.

"Why in the hell are you so good at hiding?!" I exclaimed.

Niall muttered something and I took my headphone off. "Pardon?" I asked him.

"I said, who the hell are you bloody talking to?!"

"No one," I replied. "Just researching through this RT."

He sighed, "Right. Good luck with that." He grinned right after which absolutely made no sense.

My eyebrows furrowed as there seemed to be something about Niall's tone but I shrugged it off.

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