Shae squeezed my shoulder. "Now, how do you feel about sorting all this out?"

I nodded and smiled.

Sanus clapped his hands together. "Well, right now the city is split. Shae, you know I support your every choice, but the city has begun questioning your decision to welcome Nisa into Tomaleya without any questions asked."

Shae pursed her lips. I could see her thinking about her response.

"And the council, how do they feel about my decision?" She asked.

"Divided. The villages to the north are willing to support you because of what happened in Krie," Sanus explained. "But those in the south are wary due to the frequency of attacks. Chotel has experienced three attacks in the last month alone."

"They're growing in numbers," I interjected. All eyes turned on me.

"We have to go to Mount Wanea," I said.

Shae bit her lip. "That is up for the council to decide tonight. If they think this is a trap, then all chances of our mission being executed are off the table. But if we can convince them that this is a worthwhile trip, you may just get your way."

"We have to go," I repeated. "It's the only way to know if our theory is right. We might just have a way of stopping the Beasts, they have to let us go."

"Like I said, this is out of my hands. Whatever the council decides, I have to take the majority if it's what the people want," Shae said.

I groaned loudly and crossed my arms, but otherwise remained quiet.

"What exactly is the plan if it is approved?" Sanus asked Shae.

"I don't have the entirety of it sorted out, but for the most part, we take a small group of Guardsmen, you, myself, and these three and travel to Mount Wanea. If there happens to be people there, we can only hope they're not hostile and try to initiate some form of connection with them. If we find nothing, we return to Tomaleya," Shae explained.

"I'm sorry, pardon me if I heard you wrong, but did you say you were coming?" Sanus asked.

"Of course I did," Shae replied, her head held high.

"No you are most definitely not," Sanus said.

"I most definitely am!" Shae fired back.

"I forbid it!" Sanus exclaimed.

"I'm the leader of Ekota, you can't forbid me from anything!" Shae retaliated.

"I'm your betrothed, I can forbid you from whatever I deem necessary," Sanus said.

Shae let out a frustrated groan. I glanced at Gavie and Pix, who seemed just as helpless as I was. I figured just letting them vent to each other was the best option.

"Shae," Sanus said, his voice gentle. "I can't allow myself to let anything happen to you."

Shae laced her fingers through Sanus's hand. "Nothing will happen to me. Have have you and Nisa to protect me."

Sanus sighed. "There's no convincing you otherwise, is there?"

"There never was," Shae replied, smiling softly.

I cleared my throat, snapping both Sanus and Shae out of their little relationship bubble.

"Not to interrupt, but I think someone's at the door," I said, pointing down the hall.

Sanus walked over and opened the door. I couldn't see who it was, but I could just barely hear their voice. Sanus returned with a figure in a navy blue robe and pants.

"Daine," Shae said, standing up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Pardon my intrusion councilwoman, but the council is ready for you arrival," they said, bowing lowly.

Shae nodded. "Come, let us convene."

The group of us followed her out of the room into the main hall of the Cathedral. The council was already arguing among themselves when we arrived in the room, their voices falling silent as we passed. Sanus and Daine took to the side wall, while Shae stepped up to the table on the raised platform. Gavie, Pix, and I sat down on one of the benches.

"My fellow councilmen," Shae began, standing to address the council. "Shall we discuss the matters at hand?"

"Discuss? You've brought a trick right into the capital, welcoming it with open arms!" A man shouted from the far end of the table. A few other councilmen murmured in agreement.

"Councilman Palazzo," Shae addressed him calmly. "I understand you have been experiencing many attacks in Chotel?"

"Enough small-talk!" He snapped at Shae. "I want to know why you let this thing into the capital!"

Shae stood up straight. "Her name is Nisa, and I think I can speak for my city as a whole when I say she's is here to help, not hurt."

"Lies!" A woman shouted on the other side of the table. "Ever since her arrival in Ekota there has been a surge in attacks! It's a trick!"

"Councilwoman Vila, please," Shae said. "Nisa has saved my life. Madio, didn't Nisa save the entire city of Krie by sacrificing her well being to protect your city?"

An older man next to Palazzo nodded.

"This should be proof enough," Shae continued. "She's saved both my life, the city of Krie, and the lives of her own friends. She's not a trick from the Beasts, she's their downfall. What I propose is a mission to Mount Wanea. I believe that a small colony of pure bloods still resides their, being picked off one by one by the Beasts. We take a small group and travel there. If we encounter society, we attempt communication. If we find nothing, we return and fortify the city."

"Ridiculous," Palazzo spat. "Now pure bloods have been seen for over hundreds of years. She was probably groomed by the Beasts to lower our defenses."

"Which I why I am going myself to address the issue," Shae responded.

"I'll propose an agreement, councilwoman," Palazzo said, a hint of a smile on his face. "If you return with proof that there are more pure bloods that want to help, the rest of Ekota will support an attack on the Beasts, in their own territory. If not, you step down as leader of the council."

His words hung heavy in the air. Shae remained silence, assessing the proposal in her head.

"Very well," she said. "I agree to your terms. Let us take a vote."

"No!" I breathed, but there was nothing I could do.

"All in favor of Councilman Palazzo's proposal?" Shae asked the council. Nearly all of them raised their hand.

"Then it's settled," Shae announced. "We leave for Mount Wanea tomorrow. If I return empty handed, this will be my last decree as leader of the Winoan Council. This meeting is adjourned."

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