"Hillary, did you say something?" Her eyes opened slowly and she was blinking fast.

"Yea. I was complimenting your voice. Its beautiful". She said her words a little normally for a drunk person. I guess throwing up helped.

"Thanks. Do you need anything?"

"Thank you for helping me when Wes tried to... You know... You are the bestest friend I have ever had". I smiled and felt the tears start to form in my eyes.

"Anything for you, Hills. I would kill myself if I found out you were in any ounce of pain." She laughed slightly.

"I heard everything you and Ryan were saying and I know you still like him".

"What? That's well, what do you mean? We weren't even being nice to each other". Hillary sat up slowly and rested herself on her pillow.

"I never thought you would lie to me."

"I'm well.. Well in my defense... Okay fine".

"I knew it! Ugh.. I should have never drank this much". I laughed at her and she stuck her tongue at me.

"So, that means your feeling better?"

"Well, I literally drained my whole stomach when I threw up". She laughed painfully.

"How did you know I still liked Ryan?"

"I have known you for practically your whole life. I know you better than you know yourself."

"I guess.. To change the subject, what college do you want to go to?" She rolled her eyes at the subject.

"You're seriously asking me this right now?" I gave her the puppy look.

"Fine! I want to go to Scholarsdale. Where are you going?"

"Scarsdale, I guess. Or Yale. Whichever I'm interested in the most".

"Well I know its going to be Scholarsdale because I'm going and because Ryan's going."

"Half of what you said is right. The other half is irrational".

"Whatever you say."

"So what are you gonna do for Summer break? There's this really cool sports program I wanna try out".

"Seriously? Sports? Why?"

"Hillary. It will be fun. Just watch. There's all kinds of sports there".

"Fine, but you owe me".


"I'm sore!!" I rolled my eyes as we stepped into my dark house. It took me a while for me to find the light switch by the kitchen.


Once I had turned the light on, my dad, a few other people, and the Selows had jumped out from their hiding places. I could easily tell by the look on her face, that Hillary was scared to death. Balloons filled the space in my living room and confetti littered the whole room. Hillary started laughing and I joined her.

"You guys are crazy!!! Who is this for anyways?!" Hannah ran over to us and gave us a big hug. I was still confused about the whole situation. Hannah patted me on the shoulder and said, "This is for your departure to college tomorrow! You and Hillary's". Hillary laughed aloud hysterically. "Thanks guys!"

We sat down on the couch and started discussing embarrassing memories. "And I remember when Kelly and Hillary were little and when Kelly had an accident in her pants, Hills would say it was her own fault that the incident happened. They always would protect each other from embarrassment". Everyone had laughed at that one but something was bothering me. "Hannah, I know that Miranda and Ryan are going to the same college as us. Why aren't they here with us to celebrate?" I regretted the words right after I'd said it. Marcus looked down, Micheal busied his hands with a bubblegum wrapper, while Hannah's face had suddenly grown sullen. "We had a disagreement and he said he hated us. He never came back".


"We're here!". The college building came into view and Hillary was excited that she would finally be getting out of the car. The building was huge and looked brand new. There were pictures of famous people who had went to this school embedded in almost every single brick that made up the first floor. My dad smiled weakly as we stopped in the parking lot. Hannah had come with him because she insisted that she had to see her baby girls one more time. We all got out of the car and faced each other. My dad started to cry and it was so infectious that we all did too. That resulted in one big group hug and a round of "I love you's" before Hillary and I started towards the big building with all of our luggage in hand.

The sign on the front door read "All new students, please make way to auditorium just down these stairs". Hillary and I looked at each other and smiled wide. "This is us. From kids to adults". My voice was hoarse after all of that crying. Hillary responded with a "Preach sister!".

We got lost a couple of times before finally making it to the auditorium. A security guard who found us wandering in the hallways lead us through a door and down some stairs. The auditorium was HUGE!! I could already tell we were late because almost every seat was taken and there was a loud bustling. We sat down near a group of people who came from our rival school, Private School of Intelligence. We had been rivaling them for years. It was on and off victories for club competitions and they would always accuse us of cheating every time we beat them.

Hillary rolled her eyes as we took a seat next to them. They were whispering loudly about a group of people in front of them. Sadly, there were boys in their group gossiping with them too. We sat there looking around for people we know from our school. It was hard to tell because it was dark in there and most of the people had their heads down, studying their phones.

"Kelly! Kelly! Guess who I see!" I moved my gaze from my phone quickly and turned to face her. It had already been ten minutes since we arrived there and it would be cool to actually talk to someone we know already. The activity around the room was still energetic and loud. I turned to answer, my eyes darting around the room, "Who?" She smiled wider and pointed. I followed her finger in the direction she was pointing at but I still couldn't see anyone I knew. "I don't see anyone I know over there, so who is it?" She giggled stupidly and mumbled something so I wouldn't be able to hear. "What? I didn't hear you?" She giggled nervously and said,"I see Miranda and.. Um.. Ryan over there". She knew I would detest the words she was going to say even before it came out of her mouth. She spotted the look on my face and frowned. "You know, you can't be mad forever. Holding a grudge makes you a grinch. You do not want to be a grinch cause if you steal my Christmas, I will cut you". I laughed and she smiled. "Now come on. Lets go say hi!" Before I could run away or even make an action, she was dragging me towards the direction she was pointing in. Towards my doom.

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