Chapter 7

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Third pov

10 minutes later and Bruce finally deemed Pandora ready.

"Ok Pandora, I want you to push." He said

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Screamed pandora as she pushed with all her might.

"Your doing great, I can see the crown. One more push." Bruce said encouragingly.

Pandora griped Peter's hand tight and out pop her baby.

A shrill cry was heard and Emma was wrapped in a blanket and passed to her mother.

But off in the distance, where no one could see her, Hela Lokidottir was standing there. Waiting to take the baby with her to the underworld.

She waited and gave the small family time. Until everyone but Peter, Bruce, Clint, and Tony were gone.

"I know your there Hela, you can come out now." Pandora announced.

The two were not strangers, Pandora and Hela knew each other well and were great friends.

"Hello old friend, you figured I'd come." Said Hela

"Yes I knew you would, I am grateful for the time you have me with Emma." Pandora said and got out of her bed, walking over to Hela. They shared a tight hug, both having missed each other.

"Who is she?" Asked Tony

"This is Hela Lokidottir. She is queen of the underworld. And a great friend. She has come to take Emma." Pandora said

"Not quite Pandora, I am here to inform you that since you are the last of your kind we can not afford to take any shinigami such as yourself and Emma away. But she must be trained. She will come with me for now and shall be returned to you at age 10 when she has mastered her powers." Hela said to Pandora

"I shall give you a weeks time before I come again to train Emma."

"Thank you Hela, I am truly in your debt." Pandora said looking at her friend.

"No we are even now, as I was in your debt before hand." Hela reasoned

"Oh and Pandora?" Hela said before leaving.


"That man, that Emma shares 50% of? He is now in my custody." And then Hela Lokidottir was gone.

"What did she mean she took him into her custody?" Clint asked

"Hela is Loki's only daughter, she is the ruler of the underworld. And we share some of the same powers. The throne was in a toss up between me and her, I didn't want it and the fact that I was only half death witch contributed to my defeat in the trial. So when she says she took him into her custody-"

"She means she killed him." Bruce said.

"She called you a shinigami- why?" Asked Peter.

"Shinigami is our official term, it means Death God." Pandora said and picked up Emma. Mother looked at daughter and both of their eyes flashed to the color purple before switching back to the mirrored green. Emma smiled at her mom and Pandora smiled back touching their noses together. Everyone watched in astonishment at the two death witches, they both shared the same features exactly. Firey red hair, bright green eyes, and plump pink lips.

Flashing eye colors was a bonding type thing. They flash their eyes to their bright purple hue to show that they are not alone. Pandora rocked the baby slightly but Emma caught sight of Peter and instantly reached for him.

Since she was part death witch she matured relatively fast.

"Ya'know I thought I could keep you to myself a little longer but I guess I was wrong." Pandora said kissing the baby on the forehead and handed her off to Peter. Peter took Emma with care and held her as gently as he could.

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