Chapter 8

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-------------Third POV-------------

Tony turned on the music and Pandora's smirk grew. She rocked her hips to the beat of the song at first. But then broke out into well choreographed dance moves that all seemed to fit together like a puzzle. Once it was Tonys turn, it looked very unimpressive compared to Pandora's. after seeing pandora dance, Tony kinda lost the will to compete knowing he would lose.

"Ok Pandora wins." Tony said after a few minutes of his dance toucher. Pandora laughed and swooped Emma in her arms, taking her from pepper. The baby automatically gurgled at the sight of her mother. Pandora nuzzled her face into Emma's neck and playfully nipped her soft skin. The baby cooed and giggle happily. Their green eyes sparkling at each other.

"Pandora?" Asked Steve

"Yeah Cap'?"

"Can I hold her?" He asked shyly, pandora just smiled and waved him over. She handed her baby to Steve and corrected him about how to hold her.

"She is beautiful just like you are Pandora." Steve said stroking Emma's hair.

"You two look Irish." Commented tony.

"Coz' we are. My dad was from Ireland and was adopted as a child in the U.S." pandora shrugged.

"In all reality I get all my looks from my father, my mom had purple hair and eyes."


Pandora yawned and so did Emma.

"Come on little ones. Lets get you to bed." Peter said pushing pandora lightly to her room while waving at Steve to bring Emma and follow.

"But I'm not tired!" Pandora whined, Peter chuckled and lifted her bridal style.

"Pandora you are something else." Peter laughed.

"Whatever spider boy." Pandora yawned.

"Man! Spider man!" Said Peter

"Really? Coulda fooled me." Pandora said as she was set down on her bed. Steve put Emma in her crib and walked out.

Peter laid next to pandora and fell asleep wither.


Everyone woke up around 9 in the morning by Emma's cry's. pandora quickly soothed her by feeding her via breast milk. Peter quickly made an excuse to leave the room.

He went to the kitchen where everyone else was.

"Peter you look like you seen a ghost." Pepper said smiling at him.

"Nope, I seen a boob with a child attached to it." Peter said shivering slightly.

All the other avengers laughed at his reaction to breast feeding.

But the laughing didn't last long before they heard a scream.

A very high pitched one at that. They all knew only one person could have that high of a scream.

It was Pandora's.


Von Doom was waiting, planing, and was watching from the shadows. He waited for his henchmen to come back from terrorizing the fantastic four. They all were lead to his lab, confused until spotting Von Doom. He laughed and evil cackle before taping the metal table and disappearing.

'Now the real games begin.' He thought.


The others rushed to Pandora's room to see her staring out the window at something. She stood there in shock while the others sighed in relief. She held Emma, who was looking out the window also. Slowly they all turned to she that the thing the two shinigami where looking at was a flying fire of sorts. And it was headed straight for the tower.

My Family of supersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें