Chapter 3

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I ate one sandwich and gave the rest to the hulk, we happily ate them and as soon as he was done he changed back to bruce.

"Why are you on my shoulders pandora?" He asked

"You put me there." I said smiling

" Somebody big help me down please!" I asked looking around. Steve picked me up from behind and set me on the floor.

"I thought you said the hulk liked to smash?" I asked Bruce.

"He does, but he's very protective over you. He keeps screaming in my head that you need to be safe." Bruce said smiling.

"He's a good listener." I said showing him the pictures I took.

"It's very strange, he has never wanted to protect anybody before."

"Again with the word strange, I'm not that odd guys." I said with a huff.

The rest just smiled at me.

"So where are we putting him?" I asked pointing to Loki.

"Another cell." Uncle Nick said, I nodded and yawned.

"I'm tired somebody carry me to a bed." I whined

"Such demanding things pregnant people are." Tony joked

"Have you ever wanted to see the inside of your own skull in real life." I told Tony seriously.

"No I can't say I have."

"Then shud'up!" I said popping the 'p'

"What could you do? Belly bump me?" I smiled evilly, looking at Tony with my glowing green eyes that have black freckles in them.

"I am Pandora, named after a Greek god. I will release all the evils of the world from my secrete box. I am currently wearing the god of mischief and lies helmet. I'm pretty sure I could pretend to swing Thor's hammer if I asked. I could have you smashed by a giant green rage monster. I am currently and will most likely always be, the most awesome person in the universe. So you sir, who is not pregnant should stop hating on us pregnant women. Otherwise you can suck my invisible dick mister cocky!"

I then took the liberty to just go to my room on my own, I don't need anyone's help anyway. I am perfectly capable of doing things like a normal person.

----- back with the avengers------

Everyone was shocked that Pandora could ever say anything like that. Well most were shocked, others had already seen this side of her. They all pitied tony, because they knew what it was like to be on the reserving sides of Pandoras rage, and it didn't feel good. The feeling of guilt struck tony as he shifted uncomfortably.

"Did she say she had an invisible dick?" Asked Natasha

"She also told stark to suck it." Answered the newly brought back Barton.

"Don't worry Tony, she didn't mean anything she said, if Pandora meant most of the stuff she said and actually acted on it well................................ Lets just say she would dominate the world and all the other realms." Nick said

"How many times has she gone off the deep end like that?" Asked Bruce

"Not often but we all have enough experience with it to last a life time."

Barton shivered at Furys words, remembering bad times.

"Again, scariest mortal I have seen." Loki stated for the second time.

"I would have to agree, she sure does have her mothers temper." Nick said sighing while rubbing his temples.

"You knew her mother?"

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