Chapter 6

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Weeks later (2)

Me and Peter sat at the dinner table of his house. We have been on many dates during these past few weeks and I was introduced to his Aunt and Uncle on the second date. They thought I was the cutest and most wonderful girl in the world. Peter is quite embarrassed when me and Aunt May start talking because we will start and never stop no matter what the conversation is. But anyway as soon as dinner was done Aunt May cleared the table and Peter helped me from my chair.

That's another thing, Peter never asked how I got pregnant, he never asked for the story. But aunt May did a week back. I had told their whole family at the dinner table when she asked, that I was raped and decided to keep my baby.

That's why they love me so much, because I was put threw a lot yet I was still saving a life. They think I'm the most loving person ever and May straight out told me that she loved that Peter found a wonder girl as myself.

Well Peter took me to his room, his aunt and uncle know we obviously won't do anything inappropriate.

We laid on his bed just snuggling. Just then sirens were heard going threw the crime infested city. I felt Peter tense at the sound.

"I know your hiding something from me so I'm giving you the chance now to get it out of the way." I said already knowing his secret

"You know that vigilantly ..............Spider-Man?" He asked sounding unsure.

"Yes I know of this character which you speak of." I said waiting for him to tell me.

"Well.................. I'm kind of him." He said awkwardly, expecting me not to believe him. But I just looked up at him and smiled he rose an eyebrow at my smile though.

"You don't know how happy it makes me that you told me that."

"Why did you have a crush on him?" He teased I just chuckled and set my head back on his chest.

"Peter I live with super Heroes I know the signs of a hero. Plus I was there when you got your powers at OSCORP." He was silent for a few moments his hand slid down to my stomach unconsciously. Emma loves Peter so much, she always kicks went she feels him on my stomach. He smiled at her kick and kissed my check.

"I guess I already knew that you knew. I was hoping I was wrong though." He said and kissed the top of my head while rubbing Emma.

"Peter?" I asked after another silence.

"Hhhmmmmm?" He sounded

"You know I'm not normal right?" I asked

"To a point, but I don't know where that point ends." He shrugged

"Do you want to know where it ends?"

"If you want to map it out." He shrugged again

"You may be Spider man but I am a Death Witch." I said he turned to look at me with a confused look.

"It's complicated, I get it from my moms side. It means we can move between the borders of life and death. It's kind of like an angle but instead of working for god we work for the devil. Of course we don't work for him or anything but its just a comparison. I'm the last left because the rest of the death witches killed each other off fighting the angles, who also aren't around anymore because of the very same reason." I explained

"What can you do?" He asked

"You don't need to worry, I don't use my powers. The last time I used them was during the attack and I was cornered by two chituri members." I said

"You were cornered by aliens?"

"Yeah............ Did I never mention that Loki took me durning the war? That's odd I thought you knew."

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