Chapter 1 - Trapped Again

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A/N: This is the sequel to my first book 'Never Knew', so make sure to check out that novel before reading this book for it to make sense. This book will hopefully have a better layout and grammar compared to the first book. I can't wait to start writing this book x
I hope that you enjoy reading, thank you! Xoxo



Mia's POV:

To imagine life in fairy tales - there's always that one evil person with minions following their every move; their every command.

Then there's the main character, who's rescued from that evil person by a Prince. Then they fall in love, and live... happily ever after.

Them words sound distant, like a blur. The concept of living happily ever seemed obscure and unnatural, as if it was some construct based purely off of fairy tales.

In this case, Mike is the evil guy. With the rest of his gang being his minions. Then either Charlie or Leo would be the ones to save me.

However, fairy tales don't exist.

Fairy tales are only made up stories to give a child a dream of having a happily ever after, a construct of hope for a child to cling onto. The words which, I don't think, will ever come true.

So maybe I'll be stuck here until death, for all I know.

But maybe, a small fraction of hope, that maybe, for once, good luck is on my side. Luck consisting of Leo or Charlie saving me from this hell of a place. I'll just have to keep wishing upon a star.

I only have a small fraction of hope left, but that fraction of hope keeps me going.

I sit on a cold, metal chair, a blank expression plastered across my face. My minds wondering comes to a halt. I stare ahead of me, no emotions in my gloomy brown eyes as I stare at the mysterious grey wall in front of me. It looks like it's made out of cobble, as if it were about to collapse, with rocks crumbling down the wall and a few scattered across the floor. The floors a simple grey colour, hard and quite slippery.

I would love to slide in socks across the floor.

I grinned slightly at the thought, sniggering at what comes up in my mind. However almost instantly I thought of Leo being here with me, causing the small grin which I've not had for weeks to wipe off of my face again, reality hitting me in the face. I frown, letting out a deep sigh as I blink a few times, adjusting back to reality, consumed by my thoughts and surroundings. I continue to pointlessly examine the room, trying to look anywhere apart from at the devil himself. Not the actual devil, but he could be the devils brother. Maybe.


The man who's been torturing me for months now, just to make my dad (who I also hadn't seen in months) feel even more broken; tormented. I scrunch my face up at the thought of it all, letting out a deep sigh, disgust filling me. Me, Leo and Charlie are all being hurt because of my Dad - a father who hasn't contacted me in months; it would be naive to believe that he still cares, especially with him allowing Mike to treat us like this.

A pang of hurt enters my chest as I let my thoughts slide, continuing to examine the room again, desperate for tears not to escape. I can't let Mike see my weak side again. He has too much power over me - he rejoices from the sight of my suffering. With a power that could destroy me. 

Never Forget Me | Bars&Melody Fanfiction | Sequel to 'Never Knew'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ