Chapter Twenty- Seven: Flat Line

Start from the beginning

His eyes open up after a while that made Kaori happy but when he saw Kousei's sorrowful and almost lifeless eyes, she was totally devastated. It's her first time to see him wake up like that. She held on his right hand to send him her silent message.

"I'm here, Kousei," she whispered near him.

Kousei looked at her and tears formed slowly in his eyes.

"Kaori...," he spoke to her under his oxygen mask. Miyazono Kaori smiled at him and slowly, the atmosphere brightened up when he saw all of the people inside. He felt happy to know that everyone he cares about are all inside his room.

All of his friends, Seto Hiroko and his brother are beside him. He can't talk to them yet since his doctor instructed Seto Hiroko and Mitsuo not to take off his oxygen mask, yet, because he won't be able to breathe without it. They all knew that Kousei would need another major surgery and that is what Dr. Haruo is currently telling his father and stepmother.


Kousei's father and stepmother were inside his office when he finally revealed to them what Kousei needs best, now. "His past doctors were all able to prolong your son's life without giving him heart transplant. At that time, your son's body won't be able to take a very dangerous surgery and so, they decided to do a different operation but now... Even they have corrected the defect, your son's heart begins to reject them. The scars of his heart due to the operations he had gone through and the days he experience little heart attacks left it weak and frail. His heart is pumping more blood than usual, making him feel very much tired and dizzy. He needs a heart transplant, now."

Senator Takahiko couldn't believe what he heard from him.

"What's the probability he'll survive this operation?" he asked him.

Doctor Haruo honestly answered him, "I still don't know, sir. We're currently monitoring him inside the ICU. May I remind you that your son is very weak. We'll notify you with other important details regarding your son."

Hikaru held his hand when she noticed Takahiko's sad eyes and so, she assured him, "He'll be fine."

Takahiko doesn't know what to feel. His son is dying. He's experiencing the same experiences once again when Saki was sick. He can't lose Kousei, too. When he got inside his room after the meeting with his current cardiologist, he found him wearing hospital clothes already. He's awake and his friends were all trying to make him happy. That calmed his sad soul, too. After a few minutes, Kousei began to feel tired due to the medicines that the nurses were giving him. His eyes had closed down and he had been breathing sharply. While they are with him, he was given bitter liquid medicine to swallow and some injections on his IV fluid. Seto quickly asked his friends to make him rest. "Let Kousei rest. You can go back later."

When his friends began to move out, Kousei opened his eyes and held on Kaori's right hand. "Don't go," Kousei whispered.

Kaori smiled at him and stayed beside him. He slowly closed his eyes to sleep once again and when he's sleeping deeply, tears formed at her eyes. Seto Hiroko hugged her tight to ease her feelings.

"Why.... why should he suffer like this?" asked Kaori to Seto Hiroko.


Three days later, his situation had gotten worse. When all of his friends decided to visit him in the hospital before the results of the exams were out, they heard him screaming in so much pain that it makes everyone's heart melt and feel the suffering he is in. They have also noticed that the nurses and doctors seemed to panic. They are all walking to and fro inside his room. There were two, young, male nurses who saw them and the taller one informed them, "You came at the wrong time. Please leave for now."

They all left the place to also escape what they were hearing but whenever they remember Arima Kousei's screams, all of them couldn't help but cry.

"How long will he be in the hospital?" asked Tsubaki to Emi and Aiza.

Emi and Aiza don't know what to say while Watari answered her, "I heard that he'll be there until they find a heart donor."

"Can't they find yet?" cried Tsubaki.

"They haven't found one, yet," Watari answered her.


That same night, Kaori and his brother, Mitsuo went to visit him. He's now in a nasal cannula but it is connected to a ventilator. He still needs it to help him breathe because he won't be able to take oxygen normally like before. Mitsuo sighed after seeing his brother sleeping in his bed with all the strange tubes and wires connected to him. "Mitsuo-san, how long should we wait? Kousei's been suffering for days now."

"They told us to wait for longer. He's already in the waiting list. That's what they told me. I want him to receive a new heart but they can't find one, yet. For now, he's here," Mitsuo told her.

"I can't lose him. I can't bear seeing him suffering," cried Kaori.

She looked at Kousei's current situation and as days pass, it dawned on her that he's very sick. The probability of death is also high. She thought she'll never feel deep pain ever again. Losing him would kill her heart, too. Amidst their cries, they do not know that Kousei only heard Kaori's painful weeping. He grasped the blanket painfully that is covering him. He totally felt guilty for being sick and so, tears formed in his own eyes. I can't hurt her anymore...

Suddenly, they heard the heart monitor beep strangely and when they saw that it's a flat line, both of them panicked. Mitsuo quickly screamed that his brother needs a doctor.

The doctors and some nurses quickly went back to his room to save him. They were asked to get out of the room while they do their best to save him and after five, intense minutes, his heart began to beat once again. Doctor Haruo faced them after they saved him, "He's already fine. We gave him medicines to make him sleep and to prevent him from going to arrest again."

Kaori and Mitsuo thanked the doctor. They both quickly went inside the ICU to look at him again and see how he is. Kousei had become pale and sickly. Most of all, he's become thinner than his usual self. Mitsuo held on Kaori and told her, "We will survive this with him. We just need to be strong for him, okay?"

A/N: I'm crying!!! I'm crying!!!! I still hope you like this chapter!!!

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A/N: I'm crying!!! I'm crying!!!! I still hope you like this chapter!!!

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