Chapter Twenty-Five

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Ellie had been pacing the floor and chewing her nails for the last hour. It was killing her not knowing what was going on with Yvette and Jayce.

Isabel emerged from the kitchen carrying a large teapot and five cups. "Come sit down and have some herbal tea. I'm sure they'll be back any minute, and you'll be no help to them if you're a blithering idiot."

Ellie smiled at the old woman and shook her head. "You don't believe in mincing your words, do you Isabel? I love your honesty."

Jasper came up behind his wife and slipped his arms around her waist. "That's right Ellie, I can always rely on Isabel to tell me when I'm being a complete idiot. Even though I don't always agree with her view of the situation." He chuckled and kissed his wife on the cheek. "Now, herbal tea sounds like just what the doctor ordered... shall we?"

They were about to settle around the table when Jayce and Yvette appeared in the room. Ellie jumped up and threw herself at Jayce, giggling as he nearly toppled backwards from the impact. Uncaring that they were in a room full of people, she kissed him desperately, pouring all the fear and worry she'd been feeling for the last hour into his mind.

When she finally allowed him to come up for air, his expression was dazed. "Hmmm... seems I need to go away more often. The welcome home is spectacular."

Ellie blushed and giggled. "Don't even think about it!"

Yvette cleared her throat, and Ellie remembered they weren't alone. If she'd thought she was blushing before, now her entire face was burning.

"I'm afraid you two need to put that on hold for a while. Jayce and I have so much to tell you, and time is rapidly running out."

By the time Yvette and Jayce finished telling them everything they'd learned from the Grandfather, Ellie didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Yes, they'd learned the location of the Tree of Life, but what if they were too late to save Her?

And even if the Tree knew of a possible cure, would they have time to find it and administer it before She was too far gone? The questions were endless; the answers just leading to more questions.

Jayce reached for her hand under the table, his troubled eyes telling her he had all the same questions, doubts and fears. But when he smiled at her, his determination was contagious.

Ellie sat up straighter in her chair and turned to Yvette. "So, we need to leave as soon as possible then. Every second we spend sitting here is time we should be using to get to the Tree and find out if there's a cure. Jayce, did the Grandfather communicate an image of the area to you that you can send to me? I'll need to have it clear in my mind."

For once Jayce didn't explode and tell her there was no way she was going. "Ellie's right, it has to be us that goes. It wasn't until I told the Grandfather about Ellie being favoured by the Stars that he finally agreed there may still be hope. He also confirmed that I had been favoured as well. He said he felt it when I touched him."

Everyone in the room erupted into cries of congratulations, and there was much hugging and backslapping. Ellie smiled when Yvette couldn't hold back the 'I told you so' she whispered into Jayce's ear as she hugged him.

Jayce finally threw his hands in the air, his enjoyment at the fuss relegated to second place behind the importance of finding the Tree.

"Okay, so we know the Tree is located in a hidden valley somewhere deep in the Amazon. The Grandfather admitted it had been hundreds of years since he'd last been there, but he sent me an image of the entrance to the valley itself. He said there were magical wards in place the last time he was there, which the Tree removed when he'd declared his presence. But if this wielder of dark magic managed to find a way in, I'm sure we'll be able to as well."

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