Chapter Four

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Ellie woke to the buzzing of a text message on her phone. She reached over to her bedside table and read the words through half-closed eyes.

Hey L, can u b ready by 7?

Ellie groaned. It was from her friend Sarah. The party was tonight? She'd completely forgotten about what all the kids at school were saying would be the 'party of the year'. Everyone had been talking about it for weeks, and she'd finally given in to Sarah's pressure to go a week ago. She wasn't really into loud parties full of drunken idiots, but every time she thought about it she got one of her good feelings, so she'd promised Sarah she'd go with her.

Ellie sighed, about to text Sarah back, when memories of the previous day filtered into her brain. Her mother was alive... and she was here in the house. She threw on jeans and a t-shirt, stuffing the phone into the back pocket of her jeans. She'd answer Sarah after she found out whether Yvette had plans for the evening.

She'd thought about the whole situation for hours after going to bed, and decided to at least give their new relationship a go. And she had to admit, she was the tiniest bit intrigued about the whole witch and magic thing. Sarah would just have to understand. Running off to a party on her... mother's... second night here might be a bit rude.

Laughter greeted Ellie at the kitchen door. She gasped at the difference in Yvette's appearance from the previous night. She looked so much younger, her eyes sparkling, her face relaxed and creased with laughter lines.

"Good morning Ellie. The aunts have been filling me in on some of the mischief you got up to as a child." She chuckled, but there was an underlying sadness that she'd missed it all in her tone.

"Don't believe anything they say. It's all lies. Except the good stuff of course. That's all true." Ellie sat down at the table just in time, as a tea towel flew over her head.

She grinned at Serena and poked out her tongue. "Missed me!" she teased.

"You'll keep. You're not too old to put over my - oh wait, yes you are. As you were." She waved her hand and chuckled, turning back to finish off the pancakes.

"So what's everyone up to today?" Ellie asked.

"Isn't that big party tonight sweetie?" Emelda asked as she placed the stack of pancakes on the table.

"Well... ummm... I was going to tell Sarah I can't go if... ummm... something else —"

Yvette put her hand up in front of her and smiled. "I wouldn't dream of letting you miss a party because of me. I have some business to attend to in the witch realm this afternoon, and I've no idea what time I'll be finished. I was thinking I'll head off about four and come back in the morning. Have you thought any more about what we talked about last night? The part about finding out if you have any magical ability?"

Had she thought about it? Her every waking moment had been consumed with thinking about it. The temptation to find out what abilities she had, if any, was slowly weakening her initial resolve to decline the offer. Surely it wouldn't hurt to know one way or the other?

"To be honest, I'm still on the fence about the whole thing. My brain's having trouble wrapping itself around the whole concept that magic is real, let alone the fact that I may be able to use it."

Yvette smiled. "Of course it is. So maybe it's a good thing I have to leave for the night. It'll give you a chance to absorb some of the information overload you've been through, and think about what you want."

Ellie smiled and nodded. "You're right. Nothing like going to a party where you're surrounded by drunken morons to bring what's important into perspective. I'll text Sarah after breakfast and tell her we're on for tonight then."

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