Chapter Twenty

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Jayce sat at the kitchen table with Jasper, his new crossbow on the table between them. He watched Jasper's hands intently as they loaded a bolt into the bow, his fingers itching to have a go. Jasper's running commentary made him smile. The old man was enjoying this almost as much as he was.

They'd had a fantastic day, Isabel and Ellie 'oohing and aahing' over Ellie's ring, while Jasper gave Jayce a quick demonstration of the power of his crossbow. Jasper had promised to start their lessons the next day, and Jayce had tried to hide his impatience and disappointment that they couldn't start right away.

Isabel cooked a mouth-watering feast of roast pork with all the trimmings for their birthday dinner, and Jasper had managed to smuggle a cake into the truck without Jayce's knowledge. It had been, without a doubt, the best day of Jayce's life.

He jumped up from the table at Ellie's startled cry from the lounge-room. "Elle'... what's wrong?"

"Oh my God Jayce. My choosing ceremony! I'd forgotten all about it. I only have until midnight tonight, and Yvette promised to send someone to help me. I don't even know what I have to do. What if she's forgotten?"

Jayce and Jasper put the crossbow aside. They shared a long-suffering 'the women are going to work themselves into a frenzy without us' look, as they moved to the lounge room.

"Don't panic child," Jasper said, as he settled into his armchair. "I'm sure your mother has it all under control. She's not likely to forget what day it is, and if she can't come herself, she'll send someone who can help you. There's still plenty of time left, it's only just after nine o'clock."

Jayce saw a look pass between Jasper and Isabel, and at Isabel's slight nod, Jasper cleared his throat.

"There's something Isabel and I have been wanting to talk to you about, and maybe now, while we're waiting for Yvette or her stand-in to turn up, might be a good time."

Ellie had immediately snuggled into Jayce when he'd joined her on the lounge, and he looked down into her worried eyes. Changing the subject might be just what she needed to distract her from dwelling on her up-coming ceremony.

"Sure Jasper, what's up? Is it something we've done?"

Jasper waved his hand and chuckled. "No, nothing like that. It's more that I need to tell you something about us. You see, as it turns out, the Councils should be worried about your powers and what you're capable of. From what we've seen over the last few days, together you two have more power than I've ever seen before. I hadn't planned to tell you this tonight, but you may as well know it all. Yvette, Isabel and I... well... we're part of a group of rebels who'd like to see the corrupt ruling Councils in both realms overthrown. And having you two on our side could be just what we've been prayin' for."


ELLIE STARED at Jasper with her mouth open. She must be hallucinating again, because it sounded like the old couple sitting in front of them, in collusion with her own mother, wanted them to join them in a war.

Jayce looked as stunned as she felt. "Excuse me? You want what?" he said, his eyes starting to glow.

Jasper lifted his hand as if to ward off an attack. "Now hold on there a minute, son. Before you get all hot and bothered, how about you listen to what I have to say first? You've seen an example of what the Council Guards are like. Do you really think the Council that sent them should be allowed to continue to run the realm unchallenged?"

Jayce folded his arms and gave the man a curt nod. "I'm listening," was all he said. Ellie slipped a hand into his folded arms, and he grabbed it and squeezed. They were in this together.

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