Chapter Six

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Ellie was pleased to find Yvette had returned when she entered the kitchen for breakfast the following morning. Now that she'd made her decision, she couldn't wait to get started on the whole third-eye ritual thingy

"How was the party?" Yvette asked casually, looking up from buttering a piece of toast.

"Yeah, okay," Ellie said, unable to hide the blush creeping up her neck. She waited for the three women in the room to start teasing her, but to her surprise, they all just went back to what they were doing. She chuckled. More weird stuff. Why was she even surprised?

"Great. So have you made a decision yet? About the ritual I mean," Yvette asked in the same casual tone.

Ellie looked down at her plate, feeling three pairs of eyes boring into her. She knew that no matter what her answer was, someone would be disappointed.

"I have actually... I think we should do it." She heard a gasp and her eyes flew to her aunts. Serena stood with her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry Serena, but I have to know, one way or the other." Serena just nodded and turned back to the sink.

"She'll be fine honey," Emelda sad with a sad smile. "She's just worried about you; we both are. But you have to do what your heart feels is right. We'll always be here for you, no matter what happens. Actually, we've decided to go away for a few days and catch up with some old friends. It will give you and Yvette time to get to know each other while you learn all about being a witch."

She knew her aunts were hurting, that they'd have preferred her to turn her back on her heritage and continue on the way they'd always been. But everything had changed so much since her mother's arrival. Going back to the way things were was no longer an option, and probably not something she'd have chosen if it were.

She jumped up and embraced the aunts in a huge hug. "Thank you for understanding. I can't really explain it; I just know this is what I'm supposed to do. Hey, it could all turn out to be a big fat fizzer yet. But have a lovely trip, and I'll see you when you get back."

Ellie looked over at Yvette, her barely contained excitement radiating from every pore.

Yvette smiled and raised an eyebrow. "When would you like to get started?"

Ellie shrugged and grinned. "I'm ready whenever you are."


ELLIE'S KNEES TWITCHED NERVOUSLY, her heart thumping in her chest and her palms sweating as she sat on the floor in her room surrounded by candles. Her mother stood outside the circle, chanting witchy mumbo-jumbo in some foreign language while making weird signs in the air with her hands.

Ellie flinched as a tingling sensation started in her fingers and slowly spread throughout her entire body. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths in an attempt to slow her rapidly beating heart.

Whatever her mother was doing was obviously starting to work. Ellie didn't know whether to be disappointed or excited.

Suddenly she was burning up, her eyelids refusing to cooperate when she tried to reopen them.

The tingling had grown into a warm buzzing sensation, while her brain had taken on the consistency of marshmallow. Unable to fight the lethargy seeping into her bones any longer, she curled up into a ball on the floor and embraced the soothing darkness.


THE VOICE SEEMED to be coming from a long way off. Ellie tried to focus on what it was saying, but it required too much effort. Besides, she liked the place she was in at that moment. It was warm, and safe, and...

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