Chapter Thirteen

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Ellie opened her eyes and tried to make sense of her unfamiliar surroundings.

Great, so I have no idea where I am or how I got here. Way to go Ellie.

A shooting pain in her head told her that thinking might not be such a good idea just yet. Moaning, she rolled onto her side, only to find herself looking into a pair of 'turn-a-girl's-legs-to–jelly' eyes. She smiled, and Jayce leaned over and kissed her nose softly.

"Good afternoon." Jayce's voice was soft and gravelly, making her feel warm and safe.

"Did you say afternoon?" she said, wincing as the words increased the pounding in her head.

Jayce frowned. "What's wrong?" he asked, his eyes full of concern. "You look like you're in pain."

Ellie reached out and squeezed his hand. "Just a headache," she said, whispering so the sound wouldn't echo inside her head so much.

Jayce rolled over towards the bedside table behind him and scrabbled in a drawer. He popped two tablets out of silver foil and handed them to her, nodding towards the table on her side of the bed, where she discovered a bottle of water. "I had a feeling you might need them," he said, moving closer so he could help her to sit up and swallow the tablets.

When she'd finished, she snuggled back down into his waiting arms, her aching head resting on his chest. "So how much do you remember?" he asked softly.

She smiled against his chest, loving that he seemed to know what she was thinking as well as being able to anticipate her needs. "The memory spell," she whispered, and his chest moved under her cheek as he chuckled.

"No surprise there. You were pretty out of it from then on, so I ended up carrying you here to the motel. I had to explain to the frowning man at the reception desk that our car had broken down and you'd already taken a sleeping pill. Actually, he still looked suspicious when he handed over the key. I reckon he thought I was just a dirty old man who'd slipped you a ruffie or something."

"Anyway, by the time we got to the room, you were mumbling about being starving, so I said I'd have a quick shower, and then go out and get us something to eat. You were out cold when I came out of the bathroom, so I went and got the supplies anyway. You looked so peaceful, I didn't have the heart to wake you."

The pain in her head began to ease as she listened to Jayce's soothing voice, the soft rhythm of his steady heartbeat comforting beneath her. He insisted she eat one of the sandwiches he'd bought the previous night, and drink at least half the bottle of water, before he'd let her go back to sleep. She smiled at his bossy fussing, secretly loving his concern.

Feeling slightly better with the food and water in her stomach, she settled back into the comfort of Jayce's protective arms. Damn it felt good knowing he was watching over her. He seemed to understand her need for silence, and a feeling of contentment washed over her. Before long the change in Jayce's breathing told her he'd nodded off. She sighed, her eyes heavy from the painkillers, and drifted off to sleep again.


JAYCE WOKE UP WITH A START, reaching for Ellie and finding her gone. He was off the bed and searching the room within seconds, cursing himself for falling asleep. If anything had happened to her he'd never forgive himself. Relief flooded through him as he heard the sound of the shower running in the bathroom. He smiled and shook his head, still not used to the surge of protectiveness that rushed through him every time he thought about her. Life had certainly changed over the last few days.

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