Chapter Nine

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Jayce scooped Ellie's unconscious body up off the floor, the electricity surging through him setting his own body on fire. He carried her into the lounge room, silently berating himself for being such a selfish jerk. He'd been too wrapped up in his own self-pity and anger to even consider how all of this would affect her. Ellie was just as much a victim of circumstances as he was in this nightmare.

He laid her gently on the lounge, and stepped back so her mother could check her vitals. His heart ached at the sight of her pale face, and he had to shove his hands into his pockets to stop himself from gathering her back into his arms. It would be worth the pain just to hold her.

"She'll be fine, thank the Stars," Yvette said as she tucked a blanket around Ellie's body. "I think the traumas of the last few days finally caught up and it was all too much for her."

Jayce sighed, looking down at the floor as shame flooded his entire being. "I'm so sorry I've been such an inconsiderate jerk through all this. I know none of this is any more Ellie's fault than it is mine. I just kinda lost the plot."

Yvette dropped into an armchair, letting her breath out in a long slow stream. "Your reaction was perfectly normal; I don't think anyone who found themselves in a situation like this would have reacted much different." She looked into Jayce's eyes. "Except Ellie. After you stormed out, she was more concerned about how all this would affect your life than her own. It appears my daughter has inherited one of her father's most irresistible traits - a selfless and caring nature."

Jayce groaned as he dropped into the other armchair. "Of course she did, and all I did was lash out at her, like the self-centred idiot I am. I wish I could take back everything I said to her on the verandah. I totally hate myself right now."

Yvette smiled. "Don't worry; I'm sure she knows you didn't mean it. Besides, I think we have a few slightly more important issues to deal with at the moment... like how to keep you both alive."

"Yeah, I see your point. So do you have any idea how we might do that? Stay alive I mean."

Yvette frowned, chewing her lip in concentration. "Well, we have until Ellie's birthday on Saturday to come up with a solution. When do you turn eighteen?"

Jayce almost smiled. "Would you believe Saturday?"

Yvette's eyes widened, and then she shook her head, chuckling. "Of course you do. I don't know why I was surprised. Makes perfect sense really."

This time Jayce did smile. "How do you figure that?"

"The week leading up to a dragon's Coming-of-Age is always a vulnerable time. Suddenly, the life you've been eager to dive into becomes a reality, and questions and doubts start to rise to the surface. You wouldn't be the first dragon to turn Rogue rather than endure the prospect of years of servitude."

Jayce tilted his head to the side and studied the woman sitting opposite him. "How is it you know so much about dragons? I didn't know our customs and laws were such public knowledge."

Yvette shrugged. "You'd be surprised how much witches and dragons know about each other. I've met a few Rogue dragons over the years, and their stories were all pretty similar."

Jayce sighed, and leaned back in his chair. "So I guess it's a good thing I was one of those questioning whether I really wanted to take up my birthright. At least I'd already thought about going Rogue. I just expected to have a little more say in what I did after that."

He jumped as Yvette slapped the arms of her chair with her hands in excitement. "That's it! I know who I need to go see. I can't believe I didn't think of it before. I have an old friend who may be able to help us, or at least give us some answers. But I'll need to go now, and I'd rather not leave Ellie here alone. Her aunts are out of town for a couple of days. Can you stay until I get back?"

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