Chapter Fifteen

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         Ellie woke to find herself alone, the heat in the tent from the sun beating down on it all day suffocating. She unzipped the door and scrambled out into the fresh air. It was late afternoon, and there was no sign of Jayce anywhere. She held out her hand and fetched a bottle of water from the pantry back home, and was about to take a swig when a twinge in her side brought memories of her wounds flooding back. She frowned, trying to establish a timeline between then and now.

The pain she'd felt when Jayce's talons had dug cruelly into her side had been excruciating. She remembered thinking it might have been better to just hit the ground and die. Jayce's anguished look at the sight of her wounds had made her heart ache for him, and she'd tried her best to hide the pain.

So how was she so much better? She lifted her shirt, staring in confusion at the neatly healed scars replacing the gaping wounds.

Woah, someone had obviously used magic to heal her. Who could Jayce have found to cast a healing spell? Dammit, her head was starting to hurt from trying to think.

Where was Jayce anyway? Panic began to set in as her mind imagined scenarios where he'd been captured or killed. Why would he just leave her here? Where would he go?

Hey gorgeous girl... glad to hear you're finally awake. The panic subsided, replaced by bone- melting relief as his voice popped into her mind.

Jayce... where are you? Are you okay? Why'd you leave?

Hey, calm down. I'm fine. I went to town to hire us a car. I'm on my way back. How are you feeling?

Ummm... confused. Who healed my wounds?

Jayce chuckled. I'll explain everything as soon as I get back. I'm about ten minutes away. And I have coffee and muffins.

Ellie's stomach rumbled, her mouth watering at his words. Did you have to mention food before you got here. Hurry up then, I'm starving.

Yes ma'am. Be there soon.

She reached into the tent and pulled out a blanket, spreading it out on the ground so she could sit in the fresh air and think. Or even better, lie in the fresh air. She sighed and stretched out on her back, pulling the pillow under her head. Smiling contentedly, she closed her eyes, the late afternoon sun and gentle breeze quickly lulling her back to sleep.

Footsteps crunching through the bush roused her from her nap. She was sure it hadn't been ten minutes; that she'd only just closed her eyes. She sat up, excited at Jayce's return and the thought of food. But instead of Jayce, a dirty old weather-worn face loomed in front of her.

The man jumped back, looking as shocked as she felt. "Crikey. And here I thought you was dead. What're ya doin' out here alone woman? Don't you know it ain't safe? There've been women raped and murdered in this here forest before now."

Ellie's throat closed from fear, ice running through her veins. Was he really just warning her, or was he the one responsible for those crimes? He was leering at her through bloodshot eyes, probably trying to guess what her reaction would be.

Ellie swallowed down the fear and tried to smile. The thought that he wouldn't see a young eighteen-year-old girl, but an old grey-haired scrubber, eased her mind slightly. Surely he wouldn't be interested in this!

"Oh, I'm waiting for my husband. He should be back any minute; he just ducked into town for coffee."

The old man's lecherous eyes quickly scanned the deserted area, before returning to hers, his face breaking into an evil grin. "Nice try sweetheart. There ain't no-one else around but you and me. Guess that means we might be gonna have some fun eh?"

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