The beginning

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*kinda edited*

Shout out to : @AmbeyJ02 and @littleprincess8589.

/ you guys are lit🔥❤, thank you for reading and voting ILY/

Ava's POV

"I'm so sorry I'm late miss Lorens" I said while getting inside of the café that I'm currently working at.

I've working at this café for about a year and a half, while managing to take online classes in psychology. I'm 23 but I still have one year until I have my degree and I can find a better job.

Don't get me wrong I love working here, "Maria's corner" is one of the best places to hang out here in New York and miss Lorens is such a good lady, since she never had kids she treats me like the daughter she never had.

It's going to be hard having to let go of her and this job in a year but I'll manage.

Before I can make myself feel sad I grab my uniform and change in the bathroom.

It's pretty early so no one is here yet. So I start cleaning the tables and repositioning the chairs.

"Ava honey I'm going to have to leave you alone for today, I have an appointment with my doctor and I completely forgot"
she said in a rush while searching for something inside her bag.

"Are you okay miss Lorens, why do you need to go to the doctor's?"
I ask almost in panick, I love her too much to lose her as well.

"Oh no sweets I'm fine, it's just a check up that I've been postponing to do"
She said while handing me the keys of the front and back door.

"Okay" I sigh

"Goodbye, I'll see you tomorrow love."

"Goodbye" I whispered when she was out of the door.

*hours later*

Today was a slow day and I could make the coffes and serve the costumers.

Tomorrow I had a shift with my best friend Abby, we've been best friends for twelve years now. We did everything together, we even came to New York together.

I gave two teenagers their drinks with a smile on my face and sat down on the counter waiting for any new costumers to arrive.

*Around closing time*

I was washing the last cup and put back in its place when I heard the door of the store open.

"Excuse me sir, we're closed." I said trying to be as polite as possible

I moved from the back of the café that the kitchen was located to the front where a tall man with black hair and blue eyes was standing with other two guys with him.

I'm not going to lie and say that I wasn't even a little scared, but I wasn't gonna wet my pants over them, I could kick them in the balls if I wanted.

As I came closer to them, I noticed that they were all dressed in suits

Thieves wouldn't be dressed all so fancy just to rob a coffé shop.

The other man was brunet with blue eyes as well as the first one and they did look alike.

And lastly the third guy was blonde with dark brown eyes.

As I walked towards the counter I repeated:

"Excuse me gentlemen we're closed for tonight. But feel free to come again tomorrow"

"Miss we already know that, but we would like three cups of black coffee really bad. If it's so much trouble I'll pay you extra"
the first with the piercing blue eyes said

His words were nice but his attitude didn't sit well with me,he spoke loud and rude like he thought that if he yelled he'd get what he wanted. It made me a bit angry to be exact.

"No need for you to pay extra, although not being a rude asshole would be nicer."

The blonde one laughed a little bit until he glared at him and shut him up.

"Is that how you treat your customers?"

"The rude ones yes!"

"I could get you fired you know!"

Ha like that would scare me, who does this guy think he is?

"I'd like to see you try rich boy." I responded my tone full of sarcasm.

"Just get the coffee girl, please." said the brunet one with a tired voice.

"Of course, I apologize for my behavior gentlemen." I said only at the other two.

He didn't deserve my apology.

Even though he was so good looking and I couldn't take my eyes of him.

"I'll be right back with your drinks please sit down."

"Thank you, Ava"said the blonde

My eyes widened and I had a look of confusion on my face.

" Name tag"
the same guy said pointing with his finger to my shirt that had my name tag on it.

"Sure, my bad" I replied

"It's okay, I'm Travis" said the blonde again

"Nice to meet you Travis" I said shaking his hand

"And I'm Sebastian" said the brunette

But before I could answer the rude but handsome one cut me off.

"And I'm thirsty, so where the hell is my drink?" He said angrily to me.

"Well someone's in a bad mood." I laughed while walking away to prepare their coffees.

Once they were ready I brought them to the table the three guys were sitting.

"Your drinks sirs" I said while placing them in front of them.

Before they could say anything another guy made his way in the shop.

I thought about telling him that we were closed but before I could he sat down and demanded a coffee.

What's the harm in bringing one more? I thought to myself

If only I knew what was destined to come after that....


Cliffhanger... Short of 😂

Well, my lovely unicorns

That was a long chapter.
I hope you enjoyed it cause I worked hard on it
Next one will be uploaded soon

Before you go I have a question:
•Where are y'all from?







The Mafia's Secret  (Updating Again)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon