Chapter Two: The Start of the Game

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"Hello, players." The figure says. "I am the creator of Sword Slay. I have transported you here for an important message. I'm sure many of you have failed to find the log out button. This is not a defect in the game. From here on out, you will be living in this game, this world, that I have created."

Many gasps come from the crowd. I desperately search for Mayuri, because we got separated in the commotion. "Mayuri! Mayuri!" I call her name a couple of more times and she comes running towards me.

The man continues after the crowd quiets down. "There is, however, a way to get out of the game. If you kill eight players, the log out button will appear in your main menu. However, if you die in the game, you die in real life. People in the outside world cannot pull off your NerveGear, due to the fact that it will kill you as well. I have one last thing to say. You will not be able to hide your faces behind your avatars anymore. The NerveGear has scanned your face along with the rest of your body. In a moment, your true self will appear in the place of your avatar." The cloaked figure disappears back into the sky, just as a riot breaks out.

I take Mayuri's hand and hurry away from the crowd. She seems completely calm, so I'm not sure if she understands what's going on. "Hey, Mayuri, let's head to the next town. It'll be less crowed."

Mayuri nods and we walk side-by-side. She stares at the dirt path we are following. I kill the monsters that are in the path.

"Mayuri?" I say, looking at her. "Can you answer this question for me? Using words?"

She doesn't look up, but she nods.

"Do you... Understand what's going on right now? Do you get what situation we're in?" I hope she doesn't think I find her unintelligent or anything.

"We're playing a game." She answers.

I speak carefully. "Yes, but what happens if your health points hit zero?"

She looks at me. I know she's annoyed because I said I'd only ask one question.

"Please, just answer the questions I ask, ok?"

"You revive at a healer."

Looks like I'll just have to tell her. "No, Mayuri, look. It's not like that anymore. If you die in the game, you die in real life. Do you understand that?" I stop walking and face her. she stops as well. "Look at me so that I know you understand."

She shakes her head because she doesn't like eye contact.

"Mayuri, this is serious and important. Your life depends on whether you die in the game or not." She finally looks up at me, but stares not at my eyes, but more of at my chin. "You understand, right?"

"I understand." Mayuri speaks those words slowly, almost as if she is unsure of herself. She repeats it more confidently. "I understand."

"Good. Now, we're almost there. Nothing can harm you while we're in the town. It's a safe-zone. You can't die there."

Mayuri hesitates to speak, but surprisingly does. "Can we stay there, then?"

I shake my head, even though I hate disappointing her. "We're going to need to level up and move on to other floors. Maybe... Maybe if we raise enough money... We can get a permanent house."

She gives a quick smile. We enter town, then search for an inn that is not too expensive.

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