What in the hell had that been?

Jason pushed himself up, standing up straight. He moved over to the staff, helping a female security guard to her feet. She muttered thanks as he got her up, rubbing her hair. One security guard leaned against the wall and took out his walkie talkie. He yelled into it, "This is Charlie, requesting a sit rep! What the fuck is going on?! Was that an earthquake?"

A female voice crackled over the walkie talkie a moment later. Jason looked at it, paying close attention. "Charlie, this is a message for you and all other security teams. We're under attack and the surface vault door just got hit. Looks like some sort of aircraft outside. Arm yourselves. Director says we're going to be expecting hostiles."

"Hostiles?" Jason strode forward. He resisted the urge to snatch the walkie talkie and yell into it. "What the hell is happening?!"

Charlie the security guard raised a hand. Jason gritted his teeth angrily. "Roger that," He nodded to his fellow guards. "Okay, we're hitting the armory immediately." He turned to Jason. "Hey. Spider. Can you escort the rest of the staff to safety?" He gestured at the assembled staff around them.

"Safety?" Jason looked at him. "I...wait. Wait!" He raised his hands. "I-I need to know what's going on! What's happening? We're under attack?! What the fuck! What the hell! Us?!" He pointed at himself. "Who would attack us?! Some kind of moron with a death wish?"

"We don't know," The female security guard said firmly. "But we need to respond in kind. We've trained for this. We need to be respond immediately and you need to comply with us. Arguing isn't going to help, just waste time and get people killed."

Jason looked at her. He rubbed his hair. He hated this. He wanted to argue, to fight, to grab the walkie talkie and demand answers. An airship? An earthquake? An attack? This made...argh! He shook his head. Okay. Roll with it. React. He was always good at that. He sucked in his breath and nodded.

"I...yeah, you're right. Okay. Where should I take these guys?" He gestured at the mob around him.

"Level thirty four," Charlie the security guard said. "There's an emergency bunker there. Take them there then you can probably help aid us on the upper levels."

"Yeah," Jason nodded. He looked over his shoulder. No sign of Audrey. Was she still in the cafeteria? Not the time for a freak out, ugh. "Yeah...I can do that. Let's..."

"Hey," One of the staff suddenly said. He moved back. Jason glanced at him. The guy was looking at the floor. "Is...is the floor moving?"

Jason raised an eyebrow. Then he looked down. A patch of the floor did indeed seem to be moving. Almost looking like the paint was rippling across the floor's surface, crawling forward like a...like...


Jason screamed out, "Get back! RUN!"

The paint spread across the floor. It shot underneath multiple staff members legs. Charlie the security guard was dragged down into the staff, screaming in shock, vanishing into it like the paint was quicksand. Another staff member was sucked down the same way. The rest of them turned and tried to run. Two more vanished into it.

Jason lunged forward. He grabbed onto one guy's arm and threw him across the hallway. He lunged for another but the woman he tried to grab was sucked into the paint, screaming before she was sucked out of sight. One of the security guards tried to fire his taser into the staff but it had no effect. A pair of what resemble tentacles made of ink burst from the wall behind him, grabbing his arms and pulled him against the wall. The security guard wailed, his taser slipping from his hand.

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