Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“I don’t think, that you would really want to hear what went on, or my honest opinion.  So let’s leave it at that.”  What is with this chick?  Why does she have to be so damn patronizing?  Yeah, sure you want me to tell you the truth.  Bullshit!


The strange expression on his face as I was driving away was RECOGNITION!!!  He knows I’m the guy that almost killed them.  I’m screwed.  I’m in for a world class beating.

  My mind is sent into a panic. He can’t shoot you that would be premeditated murder.  Besides, he doesn’t have his gun on him.  And even if he did, I didn’t do anything to deserve it and there wouldn’t be anything to justify his actions.  He can’t kick my ass; the door is blocking him from me.  So really, what can he do to me?  He’s all bark and no bite.  Who does he think he is?  The Hulk?  Hulk, smash!  Ha!

 I put on my poker face.  My eyes haven’t wavered from his for an instance.  The corners of his mouth are up at the corner.  He must have noticed my moment of panic.  I can feel the corners of my mouth lifting into a sneer.  Whatcha gonna do old man?

“Are you deaf, boy?  Did you hear what I said?  Well, explain yourself!  I have half a mind to knock some sense into you.”  Sure old man, I’d like to see that.  You’d probably pull a muscle or something.  The thought is so funny that I accidentally snicker.  I immediately regret it.  Crap!  Did he hear that?  I reckon he did.  He’s pissed!

The door opens and the next thing I know he’s unbuckling me from my seat and dragging my ass out of the truck.  Holy crap!  He’s a lot stronger than he looks.  I’m suspended in the air, pinned against my truck; he’s got me by my shirt.  The way he’s gripping it I’m surprised my shirt hasn’t torn apart.  He’s still smiling.  This guy’s frigging insane!

“Do you think this is funny do you?  You could have put my family and I in the hospital, prick!”  He’s screaming in my face now, spraying me with spit.  Now I know what Marimar felt like when I spat in her face accidentally on our date, it’s revolting.  He’s shaking me viciously.  Seriously, what is this guy on?  Steroids?

 “I’m going to —”

“Papa,” his wife calls out.

I’m saved in the nick of time by Mrs. Utt.  I could kiss her.  “Papa!” she bellows.  She’s getting closer, but not enough for her to see me suspended in the air in the darkness.

Mr. Utt unwillingly puts me down, straightening my shirt in the process.

“Papa!” she calls out again, she’s only a foot away from us.  He pats me on the back so that it appears like we were having a friendly chat as he turns to face her.  Boy is he whooped.  I bite my lip hard so I don’t laugh; blood bursts through the tear in my lip.  The tip of my tongue wipes it away; it tastes of salt and iron.  I concentrate on that.  Better to concentrate on that than to think of the humor the situation is presenting.

“Walter, come on inside.  It’s getting late.”

“In a minute, Alena, the boy and I are having a nice chat.”  He pats my back hard this time.

“Well, I’m sure that he has a curfew he’ll be late for and we wouldn’t want you to get him in trouble.” 

She’s given me a way out, now’s my chance. “Umm, yeah, my mom is going to be worried if I’m not home on time.”  Like she’d give a damn.  She stopped caring the minute she let that loser into our life.

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