Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

The minivan jolts sharply to a stop as I wait my turn at the four way stop sign.  I am only a foot away from the chick in front of me.  That poor woman doesn’t even know she’s in front of a maniac driver.  I turn to look at Marisol obliviously talking to her friend Gabriella, oblivious to the fact that her life could be at danger with me at the wheel.

“What are you and Gabriella talking about?” I ask, watching the lady on the phone in front of me miss her turn to go through the stop sign.

“Oh, I’m talking to my new fwiend, Geowge.”  I turn to look at her.  Funny, another imaginary friend with a name she can’t pronounce properly.

“You mean George,” I say.

“That’s what I said, Geowge,” she replies.  Why do I even bother?

“Why aren’t you playing with Gabriella?  You don’t want to hurt her feelings, do you?”

Beep, beep.  “Get out of the road! You’re holding up the lane ya DUMB BITCH!”  I hear screamed from the car behind me.

The lady in front of me missed yet another turn to go through the stop sign as she’s on a very animated conversation on her cell phone.

Just my luck, as I pull up to the stop sign I forget in what order we’re supposed to go through it.  Was it yield to the left or yield to the right?  Now I’m really freaking out.  Oh God, I missed my turn.

Now the guy behind me yells, “What the f**k is the hold up?”  I hope Marisol didn’t hear anything. 

I put my foot on the gas; the car lurches forward into the intersection, cutting off the cross traffic that was tired of waiting for me.  I make it through alive, barely.


The next time somebody behind me curses at me, I’ll just accidentally throw the car into reverse and take care of his or her bumper.

I take a deep breath and turn to Marisol who continues our conversation like nothing ever happened.

“Oh, no, I’m playing with Gabby and Geowge.  I would nevew evew huwt Gabby’s feelings.  That wouldn’t be vewy nice.”

“Phew,” I breathe quietly to myself.  That was a close call.  She obviously didn’t hear anything that guy said or she would have definitely asked what the words meant.   “That’s my good girl.  And for that, you’re getting a cookie and ice cream.”  What did I just say?  She’s going to talk my ear off.

“Yay!” she exclaims excitedly.  “Thank you.”

Oh well, I sigh inwardly.  I glance at her through the rearview mirror.  Her face is all lit up and she looks as bright as the sun itself, brighter even.  The van is quiet for a moment.  Glancing back at the mirror, I see a puzzled expression on Marisol’s face.

“Maw, what does bit —?”

“No, no, no, Sunshine.  Let’s not say that word.  It isn’t a very nice thing to say.  You don’t want to hurt my feelings do you?” I say cleverly, all the while cursing the guy out in my head.

“No, oh, deaw.  I’m sowwy, I won’t say that wowd again.”



Man, did I dodge a bullet there.  Marimar, you are a genius!


“Yes, Sunshine?”

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