Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese

Start from the beginning

"We have to go now, but we'll be back in two weeks for the TCA's. Bye everyone, I love you all so, so, so much!" Julie said, laughing at the end.

                I waved to the crowd, blowing a few kisses. I walked over to where Liz was and followed her into the back stage area. A huge smile played on my lips when I saw everyone there. It was pretty much everyone that's ever worked with us. Dylan, Ben, Gale, our trainer Tony, pretty much everyone. Plus Beck, Sam, Josh and Marty.

                I ran over to Marty, throwing my arms around him. We've been so busy with traveling and rehearsing that I haven't really had much time to actually hang out with him. I see him before and after the concerts, but it's not a lot of time. Plus they are working on their album so they've been really busy too.

"You were great, red." Marty said, using the nickname he gave me on the X Factor. I laughed and leaned in, kissing him.

                I still don't feel the spark that I wish I did. It doesn't feel like anything. I wish I felt something towards Marty when we kiss, but in all honesty it'll never feel the way it does with Louis. And I know I'm a horrible person for thinking that, especially after the way I've treated Louis. But it's true, I don't think anyone can ever compare to the way Louis kisses me.

"Alright, we'd all like a picture. If you girls would all get in the center, that would be perfect." Dylan said, making Marty and I apart.

                I blushed slightly and then moved away from Marty, walking towards the girls. Everyone else started crowding around us, getting ready for the picture. I wrapped my arms around Liz and Julie, ready to take the picture. Dylan stood next to Julie, and on Liz's side was Ben and Gale. They were in a cute couple pose that was a really cute pose.

"And... say cheese." The man with the camera said. We all screamed out cheese and laughed when the picture was taken. After the man nodded we all broke away from the group pose.

                A lot of our crew started going around and hugging everyone. I don't think I've had that many hugs in my entire life. But in all fairness, I am so sad to be leaving them all for two weeks. It's going to be sad not having each other around all day.

                After an awkward hug between Beck and Liz, which was awkward, we decided to get to the hotel. Liz is meeting up with Niall and I need to catch my plane tonight. As well as Julie. Even though I'm going to miss everyone and all, I can't wait to see my dad and Nancy. I'll have to see my bitch of a mother, but I guess it'll be worth it.

"C'mon, let's get going. I want to see Niall." Liz whined, grabbing my hand and Julie's before dragging us towards the door.

                We had a car waiting for us with all our luggage in it. It was clean, the clothes that is, not the car. Well I hope that the car is clean. That would be gross and not fun. Anyway, we got to the car without having any fans spot us. Sometimes I wish that they'd spot us because I love signing things for the fans. Maybe that's why I love signings so much.

                The car ride was sad. Liz started crying because of the fact that we won't see each other for another two weeks. That led to me starting to cry, and Julie pretending that she wasn't upset over it. She really does love the tough girl exterior she tries to be.

                By the time we pulled up to the hotel Liz was still a crying mess. I stopped crying a little while ago, but Liz is still going strong. I climbed out of the car first, wiping the dried tears from my face. I turned around and helped Julie out, and then Liz. The man that was driving the car got out and started getting Liz's luggage. I saw that Liz was going to help out, despite her tears, but I held her back.

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