The Party

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Song: Die Young by Ke$ha

Star's POV

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" I said as the last customer walked out the door.

I signed and bent backwards to crack my back from the hours of just standing here cashing out a line of people hungry for slurpies.

Walking over to Mr. Lusch's office, I saw him out cold, his head leaning on his desk as he snores peacefully. I found a paper and pen and left him a note letting him know that I was leaving. Before I left, I grabbed his coat and covered his back with it.

I walked outside, with lights blinding my eyes as they pulled into the parking lot.

"ARE YOU READY TO PAR-TAY?!?!" Janna said in a masculine voice as I got in the car.

"HELL YEAH!! WOO-HOO!!" We started laughing and blasted music in the Jeep all the way home.


"Okay, how do I look?" Janna asked stepping out of the bathroom.

She had a dress that was green at the top, but then stopped at the waist as it turned into yellow, looking like a skirt. Janna also had rose studs, and black flats to accessorize.

"You look beautiful!" I said running over to her and giving m bestie a hug.

"Thanks Star, but I just feel like I'm overdressed."

"Janna, you're going to be underdressed if I know California. Other girls are going to be wearing just bras and thongs with stilettos." I said.

She nodded in a agreement.

"MY TURN!" I squealed like a little girl, running into the bathroom with all of my stuff.

Before closing the door I could hear my friend laughing. I first grabbed my dress that I was going to wear. It was a navy blue strapless, with black lace covering the dress and my shoulders.

I then slipped on some navy blue high heels, that had fuzzy leather straps criss-crossing the top of the foot. There were 6 bracelets that covered most of my wrist.

And to finish my outfit, I had a white heart locket with a music note on it. It had a picture of my mom and dad in it, which made me remember when they gave the beautiful necklace to me before I left to become 'Summer Keen'.


I ran over to my parents and gave them a long hug. "I'm going to miss you guys." I said holding onto them, wishing never to let go.

They eventually did, and my dad took a hold of my shoulders and looked me into my eyes. "Now darling, we all know that you mom and I won't be able to travel with you. But no matter what, we will always be in your heart."

My mom joined into our conversation. "And that's why your father and I got you this." She handed me a colourful box that when opened, it had a gorgeous white heart locket with a music note on it.

I teared up. "Thank you." I said giving them one more hug.

"Star!" Toffee called.

"Coming!" I yelled back.

"We'll be waiting until you come back." My parents said before I left on the bus, sadly looking out the window

End of Flashback

I heard knocking on the door. "Star, are you okay?" Janna asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just staring out into space as usual." I chuckled.

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