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There have been some changes to this story, what was the Prologue is now Chapter 1 and what was Chapter 1 is Chapter 2 and so forth.

So this is a new prologue. Enjoy...


~Devon's POV

We were here for a history project on the life of the Death Snatcher, a serial killer who killed millions and got away with it. I'm sure none of you have heard of it, the reason for this is because he was very discreet and left no fingerprints.

He was very dangerous but I was more interested in a kid named John. He was in this mess and was targeted (or chosen as the Death Snatcher called it) by the Death Snatcher but managed to survive, despite several attempts.

His Step brother was chosen and was killed by the Death Snatcher but they never found out what happened to him (John). He was involved with a detective by the name of Cohen Liber. He was in the country but left after a awhile. He disappeared off the face of the earth. But that was another story for now.

The tour guide that was instructed to us was a short nerdy dude by the name of Wester. Very weird name. His friends must've made fun of him when he was young.

"Hello students my name is Wester and as you all know I'll be your tour guide for today. It's important that you first know a bit more about this place. So I will take you through our history."

"Here at the globe Museum or otherwise known as The Globe we investigate into the lives of thieves in our 20th century that are small some not that small but that have made a big contribution to the change of the world. Although it wasn't a good change"

I heard some giggling at the back of our group.

"I'm sure you all know a bit of the history of Hughton Spike Fritzche otherwise known as Death Snatcher. But I will take you through it follow me."

He headed past the globe that was in the middle of the building and guided us to another corridor through a section. This corridor had lots of pictures of killers, stealers some parents some kids. Some drunk people, some poor people and a few rich people.

"As you pass the corridor you will notice the killers, stealers, minor people who were involved in killing and stealing. It was surprising how little people stole and did bad things in those days but I guess it was how they were."

We passed the corridor and we were now in a massive room with people who were also curious about the story of the Death Snatcher. Although I wasn't that curious it was a story about a guy who killed lots of people so boo hoo. I've heard about lots of killers today.

"The Death Snatcher left no traces of his being involved in many of the murders that happened during that time"

"Here is the original diary of John where he penned every event that happened to him including the killing of Jake. Unfortunately we don't have a lot of information on these events"

The place was fairly big with lots of news stories and manuscripts on what happened. There was a letter or a piece of paper that attracted me that was at the far back. So I went there to look at the paper protected by glass although it was just a piece of paper. The words printed on the paper were only a few words.

Death Is Your Wish

~Death Snatcher

And an ancient insignia that was beautiful.

Then suddenly like an erupting volcano memories started flashing before me more like a vision...

Death Snatcher{Continuing}Where stories live. Discover now