Update Note

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Update Note:

Unfortunately I will not be able to do as I promised in Chapter 18, I will not be able to post a new chapter as I took a bit of break since I'm done with school now. But I might be able to post it by Friday and I am working on it. I already gave a few hints about what will happen in the following chapter. It is focused solely on John but there is an extra scene at the beginning and end of the chapter that focuses on a another main character.

The name of the new chapter is Misconceptions and is followed by the next chapter which is it's part 2. These two chapters are the known as the Misconceptions Series and play an important role in the story of Death Snatcher as many changes occur in these chapters. Enjoy your day and may we meet again at the next chapter.

Peace Out

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2016 ⏰

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