Even troublemakers study!

Also, when you have a smart seatmate, that's win-win.

I turned my laptop on and logged into the website, I chatted around with the folks I've met for a moment, gathered some information and then finished my food.

"Alright, we should probably hop on a bus now," I told Niall. "Besides, the forest they're setting up is sweet. Googled it."

Niall and I headed on to the bus terminal and rode one. I minded my own business while he minded his.

"While at the terminal," I trailed on, looking at Niall and trying to see if he is listening. When I knew he was, I cleared my throat and continued, "I saw that signature drawing again."

"Sounds like he's over Canada, then," He muttered nonchalant. Really? He should care. This is the youngest record holder we're talking about! He's probably my age, though because he was fourteen in his first record and I was fifteen.

"But the thing is," I sighed, "not a single leaguer wondered. They know who he is, they're just not telling."

"Which leaguers are the type that current leaguers never talk about?" He asked.

"Off-radars," I said. "Oh." I could almost mentally slap myself because I haven't considered the off-radar option. "Damn, why haven't I thought of that?!"

"Because, you're an idiot," Niall replied and then added another French insult.

I don't mind him insulting me, that's sort of friendship. Like, how they tease Jhanelle everyday when she says something wrong or Marshal about his breath. . . don't ask.

"What's the time in Cheshire now?" I asked Niall.

He shrugged, "I am not calculating for you. Leave a message to your mum instead."

I laughed sarcastically, "How'd you know it was for my mum? For all you know it could be my girlfriend."

He rolled his eyes and then looked away to his phone, playing Harvest Moon in an emulator. "You don't have a girlfriend, that's why you'd gladly take Taylor out any time of the day."

"What are you talking about? Who even said I was interested about her being my girlfriend?" I said. As I recall, I only said I have a crush on her because she's pretty and a bit strange but that's it! I never considered her as a girlfriend.

"You're obviously charmed by her."

"Right, tell me that on our nonexistent wedding day," I muttered. As much as getting teased to a pretty girl like Taylor has its advantage, I'm currently not in the mood for people presuming things you haven't even thought of.

I texted my mum about the updates of my week and I keep asking her if she's alright. Later on, I put my headphones on and listened to the albums of Green Day and My Chemical Romance.

"When I was a young boy," I sighed dramatically, "My father took me into the city. To see a marching band." And then I looked at Niall, "Those were the lyrics, right?"

"You might have gotten a word wrong. Hey I wouldn't know!" Niall almost yelled, I've been disturbing him for a while now, telling him random lyrics and asking if I was correct.

"Okay, have you heard of this song called, Terminal?" I asked. "It's a good song."

I got a bit bored and logged into my Facebook, I decided to chat this Cara Delevingne figure. Besides, I don't even know who I'll chat.

I looked at their cover photo, and not unless Cara -her best friend supposedly- has the same penmanship as she does, the handwriting is Taylor's. Again with that song lyric, written on a piece of paper. . .

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