"You mean more to me than life itself."

ابدأ من البداية

Putting on black heels i head downstairs to see Harley holding a camera snapping pictures as i come down the stairs.

"Ohhhhhj puddin you look beautiful!!!!!!" Harley squealed as she hugged me. I gasped for air when she finally let me go. "Your dad would be so happy seeing you all grown up." She started tearing up.

I reach out and hug her.

"Its ok mom you have me now everything will be fine as long as we are together." She pulled back cupping my face in her hands looking at me full of love.

"Yes it will punkin. Now you better get going Lacen is waiting in a limo waiting for you to come and before i mess up your beautiful makeup."

I nod my head and take my leave.
I enter the limo and see lacen looking beautiful her dress goes from black to dip dyed in blue.

Kind of simple but beautiful and fitting for her

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Kind of simple but beautiful and fitting for her. They compliment each other perfectly. We both babble on about how pretty the other is until we pull into the the place of the party. Wait weren't we supposed to pick up tim?

Then right on cue i get a text from him. Hes gonna meet me there and wait for my grand entrance. He is a looser. I giggle to myself and me and lacen get out of the limo.

We go to the doors and walk into the hall. People keep motioning us to go down the hall and to even bigger double doors. Me and lacen stand frozen.

We are both breathing heavy until i break the silence. "Are you ready?"
"As I'll every be." With that we open the doors to find everyone in the rooms turns to look at us. The entire room shift towards us.

I look at Lacen to see her eyes are fixed on the bottom of the stairs at Carter. And right next to him Tim they are waiting for us. When we reach the bottom they take our hands and lead us into the pool of people.

I feel my face heat up as people keep looking at us. The boys lead us to a clear spot with a black table with exactly enough seats for the four of us.

I sigh as we sit down away from the crowd. I look around to see many people around the room. When i turn back Tim is starting at me. I look at him he looks away in a blushing fit.

"So what exactly is this party for?" I asked Carter immediately looks away and pulls Lacen up asking her to dance.

We give each other confused looks and i turn my attention to Tim. "Its a party for a son of a big company is engaged to combine two major company's together.

"So an arranged marriage?" He nodded. "But they have known each other since they were born grew up together." Tim said. "But do they love each other?"

He shook his head. "Cant really say i do believe that the son is in love with another girl." Then i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Vincent all dressed up mask and all.

My heart melted. "May i interrupt and steal this beautiful girl for a dance?" I looked at Tim his eyes filled with fire but he waved Vincent off saying it was fine.

Vincent held his hand out for me but i kept looking at Tim. He kept staring at his drink so i put my hand in Vincent's and let him whisk me into the sea of people.

As the music started we flowed with every note. He really knew how to dance. It wasn't like going to a club were the guys are eager to rub up a girl. He held me as i was so delicate i could break and that the floor was clouds that we could fall through.

Every movement was fluid and gentle. I got lost in the moment.

He looked at me with such gentle eyes. The eyes I yearned for.

"You are the most beautiful belle of them all." My heart fluttered. I blushed.
"You are the cutest guy in the room." I gushed but my mind trailed off.

"I dont wanna forget all the amazing moments with you promise you will never hate me."

I look at him in disbelief. "Hate you you are the kindest guy i know how could i ever hate you?" He gives me a small frown his eyes filling with doubt.

"Please remember us as we are happy." He said cupping my face in his hands. I relax in his hands "i will always remember you forever because i never wanna go a day without you."

He gives a sad helpless smile. He takes me into a hug, "i just wanted to see you happy before the party was over." He lets go of me kissing me on the forehead.

"You mean more to me then life itself."

I look at him in disbelief. "You mean more than anyone?" I ask and he finally gives a genuine smile. "More than anyone else in the entire world."

He kissed my head once more and the song ended. He took me back to Tim where he has a drink ready for me.
Vincent walked away into the crowd of people and Carter and Lacen came back and sat down in enough time for the actual event to begin.

A guy on stage starts talking.

"Ladies and gentleman as you all know my sons. Both are wonderful young men. Showing just how both of them are capable of handing the family business together. But a business is always moving always expanding. In this case one of my sons are going to unite our business with another and help expand our growth. Ladies and gentlemen my son and his fiancé."

The crowd stood and started to rawr. I kept a steady eye on the stage. When a young man stepped on stage. A beautiful girl draped on his arm so daintily.

When the crowd sat down I finally got a better look at the couple. Only to see my heart shatter. Because the young man talking about his new life of owning a company and starting a life was Vincent.

"You mean more to me than life itself."

Yeah right ass hole

Thats when everything went dark.

Hey guys im back! Did you miss me!? Sorry ive been gone. I had my appendix taken out in emergency surgery then i had strep throat. Its been a long month for me but i hope you like this chapter made it kinda long please comment what you think im dying to hear what you guys think about Vincent now 😉

But thats all bye bye for now little puddins💕🌷🌸🌺

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