From Honor, Redemption

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A/N: Well, here we are. The final chapter. Not to mention that smut I promised everyone would happen which, as the tags say, it's bottom Hanzo and top McCree (who I may or may not headcanon with a big dick because why the hell not?)

Now please enjoy the smut (which is about 4000 of the words in this chapter, good lord)

The next day, McCree finally figured out why Winston had remained MIA for most of the Virginia mission. As it turned out, there was finally some progress made concerning Germany, and all available agents in the base were called to the conference room so a plan could be made. The present members debated for hours until finally, it was decided that there would be another mission in a couple of days where they would try and redeem their first blunder. Everyone agreed that they would need more than eight people to take on what was basically an army, so every agent currently with Overwatch was going to be present for the mission to Germany (even Winston himself who wouldn't need to check in from the watchpoint if everyone was going to be in the same place at once). All that was left was waiting for the last few agents out in the field to return while coming up with a plan of attack, and that task had been left to Winston, Jack, and Ana who would work with Athena to come up with the best strategy. The rest of the members were told to do what they wanted for the next two days, and that's when McCree finally decided to tell Hanzo about the box under his bed. The archer was surprised, to say the least, to know that the items they ordered had already arrived (even though he was kept in the dark about how the younger man found out himself), but that didn't mean he wasn't looking forward to using them.

In order to make this known, Hanzo threw out the option of using them tonight after most of the base was asleep. McCree looked a little reluctant at first (mainly because he wasn't sure if they should do something that rigorous a little before a mission), but after thinking on the idea for a few moments, he conceded and both agreed that they would meet in the cowboy's room between ten and eleven. It was late enough that very few agents would be awake or walking the halls (maybe none at all), and if it was Hanzo they found alone at night, they were less likely to question why he was out of his room. It would also mean McCree wouldn't have to carry the items to the elder Shimada's quarters because both men agreed they've suffered enough embarrassment concerning their relationship.

But because they weren't going to meet until late at night, that meant they needed to find ways to pass the time. The gunslinger proposed they use the training room, a thought Hanzo was all too happy to entertain, but he needed to take care of something first. So with a promise to meet with McCree in the training room, the assassin made his way to the meditation room that Genji had left for after the meeting. He knocked softly on the door before walking in when a filtered voice told Hanzo to enter. Sure enough, his brother sat in the middle of the room, two incense sticks smoking and filling the air with the scent of lavender. The older man watched Genji raise his head, but he didn't give the other man a chance to talk before he said what he needed to. Taking a deep breath, Hanzo bowed lower than he normally would while he spoke.

"I apologize for my words and actions yest... no, since our reunion in Hanamura. I have caused you distress when you only wanted to help me." He pauses just long enough to correct his posture and look at Genji with a convicted stare.

"I accept your forgiveness, and the chance for redemption that you have given me." There's a silence that follows, one filled with awkward tension that Hanzo wishes he hadn't noticed. The ninja doesn't do anything for some time, but he finally decides action is needed once the archer starts shifting nervously. Genji stands, walks over to Hanzo, and envelops him in a tight hug while whispering softly in Japanese.

"Welcome back, brother." The older man smiles before he returns the hug with his own words.

"I'm home." They stay that way for a bit longer until they finally decide to part, and ever one to ruin the mood, Genji decides to say something completely off topic while being unabashed about it.

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