The Start of Something Annoying

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Much to McCree's annoyance, the mission was going to start off as reconnaissance. Winston had actually requested that the agents who would be taking part in the mission (McCree, Hanzo, Genji, and Hana) would try to stay out of trouble and not engage the enemy unless absolutely necessary. They agreed and found that the tip he received was pointing them to some small city in northern Russia, where Winston believed they were going to do an arms deal with a local gang. McCree had only been there a few times, all rather brief visits, but it wasn't his most favorite place in the world. Far too cold for his liking, even when he was bundled in excessive amounts of clothing. This was really a mission McCree wasn't looking forward to, especially since he couldn't just go in guns blazing and take out any Talon agent he saw. He really wanted to pay them back for what went down in Indiana.

Instead, he has to do another stakeout like so many other missions and hope he can find something entertaining to pass the time. Otherwise he'd die of boredom as he watched Talon buy guns from some street thugs.

"Angrily tapping your foot will not help this mission go by any faster, if that's what you are hoping for." McCree doesn't look at Genji, taking to grunting as a response while he angrily chews on the end of a smoking cigar. He hears a huff of laughter from the cyborg next to him and has to resist the urge to scowl at his friend.

"What exactly has you so upset that you are acting like Soldier 76?" McCree perks up at that, whipping his head in Genji's direction with a look of utter betrayal that has the other man holding back a loud bark of laughter. McCree doesn't really find the comparison all that funny, knowing full well that Jack was much older and far grumpier than McCree could ever hope to be (even though he knows those things will end up happening later on in his life) so hearing his friend say something so insulting was a shock. Then again, this is Genji he's conversing with. The other man sometimes has no filter when it comes to his jokes (not that McCree was any better but still).

"If ya must know, I'd rather just be shootin' the bastards instead of watchin' them illegally buy guns. I still owe them for what they made me go through back in the U.S." Genji nods, finally having calmed down enough so he wasn't holding back laughter.

"I am sure you will get your chance soon. Battle always seems to find us, even when we do not want it to." McCree huffed and nodded, knowing how true that statement was when it came to their ragtag team of young and old heroes with barely a penny to their names (save for Hana and Lucio because they apparently had other professions along with being in Overwatch). Trouble always seemed to find them no matter how careful they were, whether it was from Talon trying to take out the thorn in their sides or hired guns and assassins looking to cash in on the bounties some of the members had hanging over their heads. That was something McCree knew all too well.

"I ain't askin' for a straight up brawl, just a little action so I can let off some steam. That's not a bad thing ta want, is it?" He received a shrug as a response and narrowed his eyes playfully at the man beside him on the carrier.

"Some friend ya are. Yer supposed ta agree with me, even if what I say is stupid." Genji didn't move at first, staring at McCree who was waiting eagerly for the response he was going to get, until the cyborg shrugged again just to mess with the cowboy. Genji received a soft punch to the arm as punishment and both men were laughing softly to themselves, completely oblivious to the other two agents currently in the plane with them. Hana wasn't really paying attention to any of her teammates, opting instead to play video games on a handheld she brought with her. Hanzo was also ignoring the other people on the carrier, deciding that staring out the window and watching the outside world pass them by was a much better way to pass the time. That didn't mean he was completely oblivious to the conversation going on between his brother and McCree, having mixed feelings about what he was witnessing just a few feet away. Part of him was happy for Genji, content to know that his brother was well loved and could act carefree around other people. Another, bitter part of him kept repeating that could have been me over and over again in his head. The many what ifs that he always seems to think about when he's near Genji (thought about even before he knew his brother was alive) that could have happened if he hadn't been such a fool and instead put family over duty. They could have run away together, left the clan and lived somewhere else, laughing away the days and making friends with the locals wherever they ended up settling. Instead, he decided that the clan always came before anything else, including his own sibling. Now all Hanzo can do is watch his brother as a slew of emotions race through him every time.

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