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With one final look over his work, Hanzo deems the arrow worthy and places it with the other five arrows he has already finished. He goes to make another, easily picking the pieces he'll need from the pile of parts he got from Winston so he can work on building a few scatter arrows. The archer was actually surprised the parts he asked for came in so quickly, and was also intrigued when he was told that Hana had a part to play in procuring them. Being famous apparently has its perks since she was able to influence not only the amount, but also the arrival of the shipment. When Hanzo approached her about it, she didn't really give him a chance to say anything and left it at her telling him it was thanks for the origami lessons. The elder Shimada was grateful despite how much he felt that simple origami lessons didn't warrant helping him with expensive weapon parts. In the end though, it proved immensely useful since now that he was able to make more arrows, Hanzo's forced confinement to the watchpoint would soon be over. No more needing to use the training room for practice and exercise, and he won't have to stay cooped up in the base. Hopefully, he'll be sent on a mission soon that won't turn out like the one in Germany.

But he did find it a little embarrassing after Winston had told him Jack was supposed to inform the archer that his request was fulfilled. He had apparently sent the old soldier to find Hanzo, only he had gone back saying he couldn't find the other man. When the scientist had asked him where he was that even Jack couldn't locate him, the assassin lied and said he was on the roof. It wasn't like what he said was a farfetched idea, after all, climbing was a specialty of the Shimadas. Everyone on the team knew it to be true, and Winston believed him without much of a fuss (even though both him and McCree knew what actually happened, and why Jack lied).

For now though, he just wants to focus on his arrows and make as many as possible before the next mission he's assigned to (and not worry about his relationship with the younger man being exposed). And he succeeds for the most part, creating a total of fifteen new arrows before a knock sounds on his door. Hanzo looks between his work and the new visitor, thinking he has time to talk to whoever it is outside his room, and the assassin gets up to answer. He's pleasantly surprised (or maybe he shouldn't be) to find McCree standing on the other side of the door, a bag of cookies in his hand that Hanzo unfortunately recognizes as one of the snacks they had to procure for food before they snuck onto the cargo ship. The memories tied with the small bag amount to quite a lot, and despite it simply being a small thing of cookies, the older man gives it a quick glare before his gaze shifts to the man holding them (the one thing he is much more fond of out of the two). Hanzo raises a brow at him, prompting the cowboy to speak, and he gets an easygoing smile that really shouldn't be making the elder Shimada melt on the inside (but he does, and he has no will to be mad).

“Afternoon, darlin’. Mind if I come in?” The question makes the archer pause, and even though part of him wants to simply move aside and let the other man in (despite the fact this will be the second time someone else has entered his quarters), there's one variable that keeps him rooted.

“And drop crumbs all over the floor? I didn't know you enjoyed making others clean up after you.” In all honesty, Hanzo is making it out to be a bigger deal than it really is. He has no problems with food in his room (considering he brought his blood covered arrows inside, even let Genji bring in a tray of food), but he just wants to tease and watch McCree squirm. The gunslinger doesn't disappoint, and with a withering look at the bag in his hand, he tries to remedy the situation.

“Oh, sorry sweetheart, I really shoulda asked ‘fore I brought it. I'll just go-” He stops his rambling when the younger man hears a snicker from Hanzo, and after a moment of watching the older man try and fail to hold back laughter, McCree groans softly.

“You were teasin’ me.” The assassin nods his confirmation, and now that he's had his laugh, the archer steps aside to let the other man in. McCree shakes his head as he enters, and the moment the door slides shut, he points an accusatory finger at the elder Shimada before his eyes narrow playfully.

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