A Positive Outcome

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A/N: PLEASE READ THE NOTES, THEY ARE IMPORTANT. Alright, so I'm just going to put it out there that I had this chapter written already but refrained from publishing it because I'm not very proud of how it turned out. It's a far cry from how I had originally intended this story to go, and in my opinion, it deviates from the tone of the other chapters. But I didn't have the time to rewrite it and also thought that despite what I think, you guys might enjoy it.

And this is almost a repeat of what happened last chapter.

A few hours earlier:

“Alright, you're now fully healed, but I advise you refrain from anymore strenuous activity for today. You need your rest.” Hanzo wants to scoff at the orders, but he instead silently nods his understanding at the doctor's words. His gaze continues to linger on the new pink scar on his side where the gash used to be, the assassin never bothering to make eye contact with Angela who is running a few more tests to make sure she didn't miss anything. When the doctor is satisfied with her results, she dismisses Hanzo and makes a comment about how she'll need to check the others for any damage they may have sustained. The man leaves the infirmary, deciding he should get to fixing and washing his clothes before he does anything with his arrows and bow. It'll take Hanzo far longer to clean and fix his weapons, so that should be the last thing he does. The mental list he's made is meant to keep him busy and occupied, a welcomed state to distract him and keep the archer from remembering what happened on the mission. It'll also keep Hanzo in his room for most of the time he still has left until the day is over, something he wanted since the man doesn't really have the desire to see anyone at the moment. Hanzo would rather be left alone, and that's what is going to happen.

The first item on his mental list goes rather smoothly since the mending was done in his room along with a quick shower afterwards. There was thankfully no one to disturb him in the base laundromat, and Hanzo's clothes were cleaned in silence, save for the hum of the washer and dryer he used. The cleaning and fixing of the elder Shimada's bow and arrows was far more demanding, blood caked on nearly every surface and wedged into the small cracks that he could barely reach. His arrow stock had been drained by a saddening amount, and Hanzo had a feeling he would need to get more parts in order to replace the number of arrows he lost in the fight. But that would have to be done another time because cleaning demanded his attention first, and if he had to then the assassin would spend the entire night getting rid of every speck of blood.

Hanzo does this for close to three hours before there's a knock on his door. The man would normally choose to ignore it and continue his task, but the voice talking on the other side of the door makes him pause and listen.

“Hanzo, I have brought you dinner. I figured you would probably want to be left alone, but you should still eat, otherwise Angela will get mad.” Hanzo thinks on the words for a moment, and after a sigh, he reluctantly stops cleaning the arrow in his hand long enough to get up and open the door. Genji is standing just outside with a tray of food (no doubt ordered from the computer since it's a traditional Japanese meal), and he slightly pushes it towards the older man expectantly. Hanzo's gaze goes between the tray and his brother for a few minutes, but he soon relents and allows Genji inside so he can set the tray down next to the two piles of arrows. The older man doesn't say anything in greeting or thanks, just goes back to cleaning while ignoring the food and his brother. Genji didn't really expect anything to happen when he showed up, but it's still somewhat upsetting to see Hanzo acting like he is, distant and cold.

Much like he did when he first arrived at the base. The ninja is hoping he can change that.

“Do you need any help?” The elder Shimada doesn't seem to hear him as he continues cleaning the same arrow in silence, but he still manages a reply despite not looking at the younger Shimada.

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