A Healed Dragon

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McCree stares up at the ceiling of his room, eyes unblinking as he remembers the events of last night, the confessions, the kissing. It was such a surreal moment (apparently for both men who were so shocked by what happened), so much that the man almost couldn't sleep. He's still trying to come to terms with everything, the fact that Hanzo not only kissed him, but returned an affection that, for the gunslinger, started a little after their blunder on the mission in Indiana. It only grew from that point, and McCree thinks that he should thank some invisible force for this chance because now, he doesn't have to continue dealing with an unrequited love any longer. The only problems he'll have to deal with now concern keeping their new relationship a secret from the other agents for now (with the exception of Genji, and maybe Zenyatta since the monk had gotten wind of the situation from his student), just until they've both gotten used to being with each other and sorted everything out. The two men would also stay in their respective rooms for the time being, maintaining a comfortable distance until they were sure both were ready to sleep in the same bed. And even though McCree was against it at first, he relented rather quickly to Hanzo's rule of showing affection out in the open, something he stressed was meant to take place behind closed doors. The archer said it would take time for him to get used to the other man a little before they even tried any form of contact other than kissing (which the cowboy understood completely since he was still in shock over everything), and that's what led him to this morning.

Laying on his bed, not moving, and going through what he'll do when he walks into the dining hall. McCree has already decided to follow along with the illusion that he isn't a couple with Hanzo, so if they do find each other during breakfast, the younger man will continue his usual banter (will even act like the assassin isn't there if he has to, but that may be pushing it), and no one will be the wiser. A bonus is that McCree will get to spend a little bit of time with the older man before they all have to go debrief with Winston and take care of a few things that never got resolved after the battle. If he doesn't see Hanzo (the more likely scenario) then that's a situation he won't have to worry about (even if the man will be a little upset because of it), and he can eat without having to act like the gunslinger is trying to not reveal a secret.

So he waits a few more minutes (just to solidify the illusion that McCree slept in or simply didn't feel like getting up to face the day just yet) before he gets dressed and heads for the dining hall. He doesn't pass anyone in the hallways (didn't think he would), but the cowboy doesn't think much of it and just remembers his plan. The moment he walks through the doors, McCree realizes that he'll have to start acting like he's not a thing with Hanzo since he spots the older man sitting at a table with Genji and Zenyatta. The gunslinger also sees the table that consists of Fareeha, Ana, and Angela (none of them thankfully having spotted him yet), and he makes the split decision to sit at the table with the brothers and the omnic before anyone can call him over. The man knows that the security chief and sniper would no doubt want him to sit with them so they can make sure he's alright after the mission, but for now, he wants to avoid any talk about what happened in Germany as much as possible until the debrief. That's why when they do spot McCree walking towards the other table and try to wave him over, he just minutely shakes his head as he waves back with a small smile. All three seem a little confused and disappointed, but they accept the decision and go back to whatever it is they were talking about before while the gunslinger sits beside Zenyatta once he's at the table. No one seems surprised McCree has joined their little group, if anything, the atmosphere seems to grow lighter at the man's presence despite the lack of a reaction from the other three. Hanzo just continues eating (the younger man noticing his lips twitching in the corners) while Genji and Zenyatta continue their conversation over what McCree assumes is about incense sticks. The cowboy allows them to focus on their talk while he orders, and after he's started on his food, Genji decides it's time to include the other man in the conversation that is no longer about incense.

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