Chapter Forty Two: Messed Up

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Hello guys!!! I hope that you guys are doing amazing today. Well you guessed it this is a new update!

Ash's POV:
I put the gun down and looked at Fernando. It had been a long time since I had seen him. I missed him, I wanted to be with him, I wanted him to hold me and tell me that it's alright. I wanted to feel safe and to forget everything that has happened to me.

"Ash..." said Fernando in a low tone.

"I... can I hug you?" Fernando asked.

I just looked at him. I still couldn't believe that Fernando was here and that I had him on gun point.

"Yeah." I said to Fernando and let my tears fall down my face.

I felt Fernando's big arms around me, pulling me closer to him. It was like he didn't believe I was here as well. Everything was going to be alright if I was with Fernando. I sobbed because I was finally alright.

"Shh... Ash everything will be alright. Your safe. I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I'm not going to let you go this time." Said Fernando.

"I hope you don't." I said to Fernando

"Look we need to get out of here, we are being attacked by Leo and his people. I need to get you to were Finn and Ashton are." said Fernando.

"You have Ashton?" I asked Fernando.

"Yeah I do. Come on we have to go." said Fernando and started to walk out the door.

"Umm Fernando could you help me, I can't walk that fast since my leg hurts cause I kicked a few guys and it was already hurting before." I asked Fernando.

"Don't worry about it." he said and then I was lifted by to strong arms.

I was surprised not going to lie, I thought he would just let me lean my wait on him. I looked at him with a small smile on my face.

"You really didn't think that I would let you walk right?" asked Fernando.

I didn't speak, I didn't want him to think that I didnt trust him or anything but being kidnapped changes you.

"Sorry I just... I didn't think you would do that." I said to him.

"Don't worry about it." said Fernando.

But I did worry, he looked hurt, he looked sad but most of all he looked pissed.

"Okay we are almost to the house but we are going to go through the front since they came from the back. Also take this gun in case you need to use it." said Fernando.

"There is an entrence to the safe room in Finn's room I'm going to get you there and then I'm leaving." said Fernando.

"Don't you dare open that door from the inside." said Fernando.

"Don't worry I wont I'm not going to put the boys in danger." I said to Fernando.

Fernando opened the door and looked around nobody was there. But everything inside the house was a mess! There was glass chatered, tables were broken, the floor and the walls were covered in blood. Everything was a mess, it looked like a battle had happened here, well actually it did happened.

"What the fuck! How did they get into the house?!" All but yelled Fernando.

"Fernando the kids! Where is Finn's room?!" I asked him and I couldn't help but let my fear show.

"Fuck come on let's go check." Said Fernando and started walking up the stairs.

"Okay!" I said to Fernando.

We walked up the stairs, I was still in pain but I didn't care I had to find Ashton! Upstairs was an even bigger mess. Oh please let Ashton and Finn be alright. Fernando made a turn and walked into a hallway and let me tell you if I thought it was a mess over there then here is a war zone.

"Fuck please let them be alright!" Said Fernando.

He opened a door in wish I'm guessing it's Finn's room. We walked in and my heart broke, there on the floor laid Jack and Julio, they were dead. No they were killed, they fucking killed them. But I saw like 5 men on the floor as well, I'm guessing that Julio and Jack killed them before they died.

There was a bookshelf on the floor books where all around the room and some even had blood. The floor and walls had so much blood that you could almost not see the color of the floor or wall. There was a crib on the floor broken to no repair. The wall had holes I'm guessing of the guns. Where the bookshelf was supposed to be there was a door. A metal door, it was just as big as the broken bookshelf. But thank goodness the door was still closed there was still a chance that they were safe.

"They are dead. Leo and his men killed them." I said.

"He did." Said Fernando, I could tell that he was furious.

"Fernando open the door we need to see if the kids are safe." I said to Fernando.

Started to feel light headed and the pain that I had was increasing very fast. I knew I had a broken rib and that my back was a mess but I didn't care, I needed to know that Ashton was alright.

"Ash are you alright? Your not looking that good. Sit down." Said Fernando to me.

"Don't worry about me just open the door. I want to find Ashton and Finn, then I'll be alright." I said.

"Are you sure?" Asked Fernando.

I love him but he needs to hurry up.

"Fernando open the door we are wasting time don't worry about me I'll be alright." I said to him.

He still looked unsure but did as he was told. Fernando opened the door and started to go in when a gun shot was heard. It had shot me! I fell to the floor, it had hit my back, I was about to black out when I heard the door been shut. Then I was gone.

End of Chapter

Yeah I just did that! Cliffhanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello!!! Hope you liked this chapter! Okay guys so I know I said I was going to updated soon and I didn't but I had a lot of things this past weeks that just didn't let me write anything.

Tell me what you feel about this chapter. COMMENT! VOTE!

With lots of love ❤️ and hugs 🤗

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