#10 21st Century girls

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"Cause I was beaten up by the lockers" I smirk hoping to get Jennie in trouble.

The class went silent hoping to find out who beat him up but Jennie just burst out laughing.
"Should have spent less time trying to get a girl with a boyfriend and instead defended yourself better!"

"Jennie, what do you mean?" Tae frowned

"Mathew!" Lisa laughed "That's the player?"

"Yep and he got beat up by a girl near the lockers! Didn't you Mathew!" Jennie smiled "why don't you tell them who by Mathew!"

"Miss Jennie beat me up!" I whined and the whole class burst out laughing

"Stop being a baby and go get your stuff out your locker!" Miss Jeon was getting really annoyed after yet another disturbance.

"This is it" Rose whispered

"Jennie?" Tae pouted "Why didn't you tell me he was trying to get with you again?"

"Because I don't want you punching him again and getting into trouble" Jennie smiled and kissed his cheek and he blushes a tint of pink.

"I hate you, Kim Jennie!" I scoffed

"Love you too" she giggled at me

I walk over to my locker and find a note taped to it.

~I feel really bad about kicking you in the balls so I left a surprise in your locker. Enjoy cutie pie~

"Jennie, what the heck is this?" I yell at her making Tae get defensive and stand up

"It's just an apology note chill your beans!" She laughs at Tae reaction
"Tae sit down. He isn't worth another punch from you" Jennie said pulling on her wrist.

"Aw you even called me sweetie pie" I smile

"Just wait a few seconds and then you will be a creampie" Jennie and the new girls laugh and I turn to open my locker.

I open my locker and a bunch of cream flew at my face.

"He really is a cream pie. Let's take a selca!" Jisoo laughed and stood next to him joined by Lisa, Rose, and Jennie.

"I'm gonna get you for this Kim Jennie!" I yell and wipe the cream from my eyes

"Go ahead you haven't just got me to deal with anymore! You have all four of us! Jisoo post that on our shared account with the #Cuteiepie and #Victim47. Oh, Whats your Instagram Mathew we will tag you!"  Jennie wiped a finger across my face and ate some of the cream. "Shame it tasted spoiled after touching your dirty skin" Everyone in the class was laughing at the girls and especially me.

Mrs. Jeon enters the classroom after going out to talk to the Cleaner. "What the heck is going on here!"  She screeches

"Ummm Ask Jennie!" I smirk evilly

"Jennie?" Mrs. Jeon looked at me

"Basically this douche bag here decided to fill his locker with cream and then stick his head in it! He is a weird one miss. Should I take him to the infirmary to get his head checked?" Jennie giggles

"That's it Kim Jennie" I yell shoving her to the floor angrily

"Someone lost his temper" Lisa sniggers then looks at Tae who was stood up and walking towards me.

Tae Pov

'That's it he has pushed Jennie again! I have so had it with this Jerk' I thought

"Rose stop him!" Jisoo yelled

Rose then jumped over her table and stood in front of me. 
"I wouldn't go over there! Jennie is going to be mad and might hurt you" Rose told me concerned

"I don't care he has shoved her again and I feel rubbish about it! I'm her boyfriend I'm meant to protect her!" I yell

"Sit your butt back down before Jennie and I do Judo on you" Rose smiled and I sat back down scared of getting beat up.

"I guess I don't want to beat up like Mathew." I laugh

"Mathew what on earth is wrong with you! At your age, you should know not to hurt a lady!" Mrs. Jeon yells and hits him over the back of the head. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I thought I said don't mess with me, to" Jennie said through gritted teeth

"Come on at me Bad girl" Mathew teased

"Jennie don't do it!" The transfer students all yell but it was too late she drop kicked him

"Both of you out now!!! Stand against the wall with your hands up" Miss yell

Jennie strolled out confidently. "I warned him", she said before raising her hands and closing the door behind her.

Mathew dusted himself off and followed her out.

Falling for the Nerd!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ