Adeline laughed and said, "True. Don't worry; we're going to handle them together,"

I nodded, smiling.

"Hey girls," a voice said.

Adam kissed on top of Adeline's head before sitting down next to her.

I scowled and started to look around me.

I thought to myself, "If Adam is here then that moron is probably here too,"

"Looking for me?" a voice asked. I turned to my right and a finger poked my cheek.

"I got you," he laughed, messing up my hair as he sat down next to me.

I stared at Arthur blankly. "I've lost my appetite just at the sight of you,"

He grinned and replied, "Then you probably don't mind if I take these right,"

Without waiting for my answer, he reached out to my tray, shoveling my fries into his mouth. I watched him in horror and glanced down at my tray again to see if I wasn't just hallucinating my empty tray. But alas, the last of my fries were gone. He didn't even left one piece.

"Damn, those are good," he comments, darting his tongue to his lips.

I averted my eyes from his lips for a split second before I met his twinkling gaze again.

He just stole my fries. I gaped at him.

"You just stole her fries," Adeline deadpanned, confirming my misfortune.

I glanced at Arthur and said, "You insolent little jerk!"

"Well, you said that you lost your appetite. You mustn't waste food, you know,' he said, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"Ugh," I grunted.

He whistled. "Here I thought you'd probably give some comeback, maybe more insults along the way,"

I rubbed my face, sighing. "Go away, Arthur,"

"And I say no, Skye," he replied.
I don't even have to look at him to know what kind of face he was making.

I yawned as the last bell rung, signalling school has ended. Classes have been boring and I just couldn't wait to go home. I know what you were thinking, a nerd who thinks classes boring.

Well, I have my ups and down.
Anyway, I was heading to my locker when I saw Adeline, waiting for me there.

Before I could uttered any word, she grabbed my arm as she said, "Let's go or we're going to miss it,"

I let her dragged me as I asked, "Where to?"

We stopped. Adeline rolled her eyes and said, "Don't tell me you've forgotten? We're going to watch the boys practicing,"

I sighed. "Just as I thought that I could go straight home. Well, I don't have much of a choice either since Arthur is my ride home. I've completely forgotten about that too. And the guy himself didn't even told me,"

"Well what do you expect? Anyway, Adam doesn't know I'm coming either. And watching them practice is pretty boring," Adeline said.

I raised an eyebrow at her. "Then, why the heck are we going there?"

Adeline grinned and said, "I heard they have a new coach, and rumour has it he's single and a total hottie. Don't tell me you're not curious,"

"Well, when you said it like that, of course I am," I grinned back. "And you my friend, got to remember that you have a boyfriend. You can't go around admiring every male specimen on this planet,"

"It's not like I'm cheating on him. Besides, I'm just curious and we got to appreciate every beautiful things, you know," she said, still grinning.

I simply rolled my eyes at her. Although Adeline said it like that, but there was no doubt that Adam was the only one in her heart. It was the same goes with Adam. He loves Adeline just as much.

Anyway, we were heading towards the school field when Adeline said she forgot something in her locker. She told me to go to the bleacher first. There weren't many people, so I was glad for that as I went to the bleacher. I stretched my arms, yawning. A nap would probably be good right now.

"That is one huge yawn," said a deep voice.

I quickly closed my mouth, blushing at the sight of a guy in front of the bleacher. Looking at the yellow whistle hanging around his neck, my guess was he was the new coach. I knew I was staring but Adeline was right, this man was hot and he was much younger than the team's old coach, Mr. Kevin. What his name again, oh yes, Flynn.

Mr. Flynn chuckled and said, "And now you're staring,"

I could feel my cheeks burned even more if that was possible. I cleared my throat, looking away. Then I saw Arthur jogging towards the bleacher.

"Hey shorty Skye, are you here to watch me practice?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him. "It's not like I have a choice, do I? You're my ride home, remember?"

"So, you're here to watch your boyfriend practice?" Mr. Flynn suddenly said.

I gaped at him but before I could even replied to him, Arthur cut in.

"She sure is, Mr. Flynn,"

"What the..." I almost said.

Mr. Flynn chuckled, nodding. "Today's practice is going to be hard. I hope you're not mad if I trained your boyfriend to the bone. He is the team's captain after all and I expect him to be good,"

I grinned. "Oh yes please, train him hard. He has been neglecting his training these days,"

"Really? Well then, let's go Arthur. And take your team to do warm up," Mr. Flynn said, as he walked to the field.

Arthur rolled his eyes at me but then grinned back and said before leaving, "See you later. Don't miss me too much,"


Anyway, Adeline sure was taking her time. I yawned again as I watched the boys doing warm-up except for Arthur who was making his way to Mr. Flynn.

"Whoa, what a hot gaze," Adeline said, who suddenly appeared. "Arthur is so going to get burned by you,"

"What the hell, Adeline. You surprised me," I said.

She grinned back and said, "Well, that's because you're busy staring,"

I puffed my cheeks, grumbling. "I was not staring, especially not at Arthur. I was just staring absent-mindedly and he just happen to be in my line of vision,"

"Uh-huh, sure Skye," She said back. "Anyway, That's Mr. Flynn,"

"Yeah, I know. We talked just now," I grinned at her.

"You lucky girl," Adeline glared at me playfully.

I just laughed back.

"By the way, there's Nathaniel over there," Adeline suddenly said.

I turned and saw Nathaniel doing warm-up with the others. "Yeah, I know"

Adeline stared at me, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know? That's it? Usually you would be excited and sighing dreamily at the sight of him,"

"Well, I can't always act like a bunch of giggling idiots, right?" I snorted, rolling my eyes.

Then I saw Arthur looking at me. How do I know that? Well, he was making faces and that usually meant to annoy me.

Adeline simply shook her head, chuckling and said in a soft voice, "Silly Skye, you just haven't realised it yet or more like you're in denial,"

I would have asked her what she meant by that but I was too busy replying Arthur with equal mocking faces and I even showed him the finger. But he brushed it off with a deep laugh. Damn him.

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