Chapter One

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 "Happy birthday!" Jazzy screams. I chuckle in response.

"You're officially old enough to drink," Keith smirks at me. I avoid eye contact and just smile in response. Is he mad at me still? I hope not. Is he going to make me do it again tonight? Oh god.

"Evelyn?" Jazzy shakes me out of my trance.

"Sorry," I chuckle. "Just lost in my thoughts."

"How about some cake," Jazzy laughs at my awkwardness.

"That would be great," I smile. Keith grabs my shoulders a little too tight, but I shake it off.

"Make that two please," Keith tells Jazzy. She leaves to go into the kitchen. "I'm not mad at you anymore," Keith assures me. Thank god. "Relax a little babe, have some fun," he lets go of my shoulders. Jazzy comes back in and hands me and Keith our plates.

"So Evelyn, are you still up for that addition for Lin?" Jazzy asks me. I look up at Keith and he gives me a little nod.

"I don't know Jazz, I get so nervous whenever I perform in front of crowds," I tell her. Keith takes a sip of his drink and puts it on the table.

"You know what, I think you'll do great Eve," he gives me a peck on the forehead. I turn imminently with hope in my eyes.

"Really? You want me to addition?" I ask surprised. He chuckles at my outburst of energy.

"Yeah, I think it'll be good for you," he smiles. I hug him tightly and Jazzy stares in awe.

"Thank you," I whisper in his ear. 

Two years. That was two years ago. I'm still with Keith. I did get the part to be Elizabeth Schuyler in Hamilton. Jazzy is still my best friend. Hamilton is soon going to be ready for the public. Keith has made me more distant from the all my friends and family, but that's okay, right?

A/N Okay, how is it so far? I know it hasn't really got into the story much, but do you think it's a story you'll read? Comment your opinions. Thank you! Have a wonderful day. :)

(Don't have a title yet) Anthony Ramos X Reader story :)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt