Unspoken Words @myunwrittensoul on twitter

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✖️ We're different. You're broken. I'm shattered. It's not the same.

✖️ I'd like to disappear for a while.

✖️ I hate those moments after I'm done crying and I just sit there emotionless.

✖️ When I care about someone, I really care. And that's why I always get hurt.

✖️ Crying is how your hearts speaks, when your lips can't explain.

✖️ Fuck you. You broke my heart.

✖️ I don't have energy to pretend that I'm happy anymore.

✖️ When you're truly lonely, you'll start to miss anyone.

✖️ Accept what is. Let go of what was.

✖️ How many people said they got you and forgot you ?

✖️ It's hard to move on, when you still care.

✖️ No matter how it hurts, you have to keep going.

✖️ Pretending to be happy but deep inside it hurts a lot.

✖️ Pain makes people numb.

✖️ If they care they'll find time for you.

✖️ You have to get hurt, that's how you learn.

✖️ Saying sorry doesn't fix a broken heart.

✖️ I got hurt by the same reason and the same person.

✖️ You broke me like a promise.

✖️ The sad truth is that everyone in is world misses someone. And whenever they may be, we're hoping they're missing us back.

✖️ Alcohol tastes better than the thought of you loving somebody else.

✖️It hurts to know the truth.

✖️ Still loving. Still hoping. Still hurting.

✖️ Every relationship goes through struggle, but only strong relationships get through it.

✖️Sometimes I wish you were on my place just to know how I feel.

✖️ If I'm quiet I'm either.. 1. Sad 2. Mad 3. Hungry 4. All of the above

✖️ My biggest mistake is thinking that people care for me as much as I do for them.

✖️The worst feeling is feeling unwanted by the person you want the most.

✖️So tired not being appreciated.

✖️ Why I care so much about people who don't care about me.

✖️ How long must I wait until you know my worth ?

✖️ Stop looking for reasons to be unhappy.

✖️ I try to teach my heart not to want things it can't have.

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