Chapter 11

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Ariana's pov#

I never once thought that Louis was the type to do what he did to me. I can't even believe I he made me think he actually felt something for me. It's been about two weeks since the incident, and I've been wearing a fake smile nonstop. Since then I have started to work on a new album and I already have two new songs. Nothing really exciting has exactly happened in these two weeks except, Louis has apparently gotten over me and Eleanor and is dating a girl named Desiree. I can't help but feel jealous around her. Not just the fact that she's dating Louis, but she's absolutely gorgeous, but her personality is a whole different story. Terrible is the only way to describe her.

Anywho on a different topic, I'm releasing my new single tommorow and I'm super excited. Nobody knows except me and Simon though. I just hope people like it.

  Louis' Pov#

Desiree is annoying the living fuck out of me right now. She won't stop complaining about irrelevant shit like how her dad didn't buy her a new versace bag. Seriously, there are children starving, and she's sitting here complaining about not getting a fucking bag?! I can't even remember why I'm dating her.

Because you were trying to make Ariana jealous. Well it's obviously not working.

   Ariana's pov#

Today is the day that my new single has been released and I have to say that it's going great.

I'm now just sitting at home alone watching tv. I then hear my phone ringing and saw that it was Simon.

After I spoke with him I got dressed because he said I need to go to a meeting.

*#At Syco Records now*#

"Hi I'm Ariana Grande and Simon said I should be here now."I said to the lady at the front desk. She smiled sweetly and told me where to go.

"Ah, hello Ariana"He said giving me a hug.

"Hey Simon. So what's the meeting about?"I said.


This is the new update and I'm dedicating it to my bestfriend Mckenna for giving me ideas. Thank you so much.



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