Chapter 4

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Ariana's pov* (In case you didnt know I changed her name to fit the rest of the story. You'll understand soon)


"Hello?"I said as a question cause like, who checks their phone to see who it is anymore?

"Hey Ari, it's Luke."He said sounding nervous or something.

"Ohhh. Well, Hey What's up?"

"Well its about the guys and Dani and Micky and me of course"He said kinda stumbling on his words.

"Okay.. Oh and Btw why did you guys leave"I said pouting.

"Well thats what I'm calling about actually. All of us forgot but we have to finish off this semester in uni. Oh and Beau is coming back right before tour cause ya know, he's already finished and so are you."He said.

"Wuuttt (*Cue minion saying that now*). When are you guys coming back?"I queried.

"Hmm, Like two weeks into the 1D tour."He said glumly.

"Oh. (Cue pout here) That's like 6 months from now"I said like a little kid who just got sentenced to the  corner.

"I know but we can all skype and text and everything."

"Okay but don't forget to call me. Tell everyone I love them! Bye Love ya!"I said.

"Mmkay see ya soon bestie! Love you!"He said then hung up.

I wanna cry. I've never been separated from them this long, and we're always around eachother. Now don't start judging because I'm acting like a brat, I have a perfect reason for it. When I was about 15 my parents neglected me only leaving a lot of money and a note saying:


we left, not coming back. You're ruining our marriage and you're a disappointment . Also you're the reason Kian & Frankie ran away because you're an attention whore.

.  goodbye you worthless ugly bitch.

Laura and Corey (Ps: Don't consider us as your parents anymore slut)

I feel tears pouring down my face and I fell to my knees just staring blankly at the wall. It isn't my fault Kian & Frankie left; is it?

Flashback Overrr

*Ariana's pov*

That was the day I decided to move to Australia, and met my bestfriends, the only people who cared for me. Anyway I highly doubt you're wondering who Kian and Frankie are, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.

Frankie & Kian are my brothers who ran away a long time ago. I don't know why but somehow I just feel it's my fault. Maybe because of that note. I do know how my brothers are doing though. Frankie is a dancer- A damn good one at that- and Kian is a succesful Youtuber who collabs on a channel called our2ndlife and he along with those other guys are good at what they do. Oh and Kian also changed his last name to Lawley. Maybe he ran away by himself. I miss them alot....

Instead of depressing myself I think I'll just sing and write songs. Yup I write songs and sing. I don't exactly write cliche songs about my feelings but they are love songs. Ooh I think I might have another song! Okay...(The song she's about to sing is Tattooed Heart on her new album Yours Truly)

You don't need a lot of money

Honey you don't have to play no games

All I need is all your loving

To get the blood rushing through my veins

I wanna say we're going steady

Like it's 1955

No it doesnt have to be forever

Just as long as I'm the name on


Tattoed heart (Tattooed heart, tattoed heart) Woahhhh oh ohh (tattooed heart tattooed heart)

oh oh oh oh yeah woahhhhh

You don't need to worry about

making me crazy

Cause I'm way past that-

That's when I noticed there were people in my room now. Guess who those people were. Yup One Direction accompanied by the Simon Cowell and Paul Higgins. And what's worse is, they were staring at me shocked and had their jaws dropped. Wait I thought the guys were out with Paul. Oh my gosh.

"What are you guys doing here?"I asked. Liam seemed to recover from shock because he said,

"W-w-we j-just got back home. You were amazing."He said looking awestruck. Simon was next to recover from shock, the rest did too a little bit after.

"Ariana. Why didn't you tell me you could sing?"Simon said.

"You never asked?"I said nervously.

"How would you like a record deal? I'd love to have you signed with SYCO records"He said enthusiastically.

"Really?! I'd love one! But what about my current job"I said curiously.

"Well you can keep it but only until after tour."He said

"Okay but will I still be able to see the boys?"

"Of course. One thing though."


"Do you have any siblings?"

."Umm erm well yes"I said scared slightly.

"How many?"


"Are they named Frankie Grande and Kian Grande or his current name Kian Lawley?"

"Uhh yes why"

"Because they are touring with you and One Direction"

"Really?"I said excited. Omb I'm gonna see my brothers again!!!.

"Oh and One more thing."


"You're gonna be performing during tour and I need you to nake an album by Two weeks before tour."

He said with a serious tone that slightly scared me.

"Okay then"I said.

Shouldnt be too hard I guess.


Okay so I finally updated and as I promised you will get another update in like an hour or so.

Merry Christmas, Christmas eve, Hanukkah, Kwanza or what you celebrate for the holidays!

Love always: Mackenzie

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