chapter 9

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Louis' pov##

As soon as we finished performing, I went to check on Ariana because she said she was feeling tired after she performed. I walked back into her dressing room and saw her laying peacefully on the sofa so I picked her up and carried her to where the were. She started to stir in her sleep then she woke up.

"Oh hey LouLou"She said with a lazy smile. "Hey Ari. Did you sleep well?"I asked.

"Yeah I feel much better now. Can I walk now?"She asked trying to get up so I sat her down.

A little while after, we all left to load the tour bus because we have a long trip to Atlanta tonight so we all just headed for our bunks and called it a night.

Ariana's pov##

I woke up the next day on Louis' bunk. Since he was still asleep I quietly got out and headed to the kitchen and got some coco puffs then went into the lounge room to watch the Spongebob marathon that was on. I saw Niall walk in a few minutes later with a..slice of pizza? He sat down next to me and I looked at him wierdly.

"What?" He asked and it was so adorable because he had his head tilted to the side like a puppy. "When did we get pizza and how come I wasn't aware?" I asked in all seriousness because these peole know I love pizza. Well that and chicken nuggets and gummy worms and fries. " We got it last night but you were asleep so Louis told us to let you" I think he was afraid I would hit him because he crossed his arms over is face. Instead I just hugged the leprechaun. He sat shocked then turned away to finish his pizza. I got up and walked towards the kitchen to get some of the beloved pizza. When I got there I got my pizza then went to see if the others were awake yet. First I checked on Louis and he was still asleep so I left him. Then I went to Harry- he was asleep, Liam he was awake, and finally Zayn he was awake but looking at his phone crying. I grabbed it from him concerned then I saw that his twitter feed was buzzing with hate. People were claiming he was a terrorist or he should die  because he smokes or how he doesn't belong in the band. Honestly I don't know what's wrong with people these days. I was so upset I took his phone and locked it up in my suitcase then went to get the other lads. I even woke up the sleeping ones. "You guys we have to comfort Zayn" They started asking what happened so I took his phone from my suitcase and showed them what I saw and they all ran out to help Zayn. When they left I grabbed my camera and tripod and set up lights so I can record. I have a youtube account that I do covers on and its pretty popular. I decided to make a video about hate. I called the boys- all of them- to be in it.

"Okay guys so I'm here today with One Direction. A lot of you know who they are. We are here to talk about a serious topic. Hate." We talked about how hate can effect someone and a few other things.

"So guys today there was a situation on Twitter and it hurt a close friend of mine. I'm sure you guys know my pal Zayn here-" I gave him a side hug. " Is Muslim, right? Well he's been getting a lot of  hate for it and he doesn't deserve it. At all. No one does and that was the main point of this video. If you have any hate to any of these boys. Send it to me instead because they don't deserve the kind of hate some of you give them and its not fair that they have to be sad to make you happy." I said a little pissed off. " I mean haven't your mothers ever taught you if you havent got anything nice to say dont say anything at all? I'm very disappointed. Goodbye" I ended the video.

"I'm proud of you but you didnt have to do that. Now they're gonna be sending you hate." Zayn said. "I know but I really care about you guys and I don't want you to get hurt." I explained. They all responded with a big hug. I love these boys.


  Hope you enjoyed the chapter.



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