"I keep having this reoccurring dream of the night... Of the night you told me what Austin did." Lauren let out a long sigh. Camila went to open her mouth to speak but Lauren spoke again, silencing the girl. "I felt helpless. You didn't want me to do anything but he deserved to die for what he did to you. No one is allowed to hurt my baby, but you let him. Not that you really had a choice, but you could have let me do something. Anything. I felt like... I don't know... Like you were okay with what he did. I know you weren't because you were crying about it but I really wanted to hurt him Camz. I still do. It's been two years and I still want to hurt him for what her did."


Camila finally broke the silence again. "It's Austin." Those two words were enough to make Lauren's blood boil. "What the fuck did he do Camz?" Lauren tried to not sound mad but she was infuriated. Lauren didn't like Austin and ever since Camila started to date him, she grew to hating him. Camila was too good for him. Camila let out a cry, but composed herself enough to speak.

"He um... He did this." Camila broke out of Lauren's arms and lifted up her shirt. Lauren's breath caught in her throat and it wasn't because of the giant bruise that covered the left side of Camila's ribs. Camila was breathtaking to Lauren and at first, she didn't even notice the bruise which was surprising. But when she did, her blood boiled more.

She reached her arm out and touched the purple space and Camila winced. Lauren wasn't aware of he actions until it was too late. She moved forward to place a small, gentle kiss on the bruise, a tear escaping her eye. "Camz..." She was at a lose for words, and then just like that, she wasn't.

"I'm gonna kill him! I'm seriously gonna fucking kill him. No one lays a hand on you. You are the most precious thing on this Earth and that bastard will pay for what he did to you!" Lauren was standing at this point pacing trying to calm down but she couldn't. "No Lauren please, it was my fault. I made him angry." Lauren stopped pacing and the look on her face changed from anger to sadness. "No Camz, it's not your fault. Don't ever say that. It doesn't matter what you did this, it not okay." Camila had already put her shirt down, but Lauren lifted it up to left prove her point.

Camila just bowed her. "Just please don't hurt him Lauren... I love him." Those words broke Lauren's heart. Camila had never said she loved Austin before and it was the words feeling in the world. She stopped dead in her tracks. "Fine." She said, in the tone she used when she was hurt. Camila lifted her head but Lauren was already heading for the door.

"Wait!" Camila yelled, running after Lauren just grabbing her hand in time. "Let me go." Lauren spat, but Camila didn't listen. "I said fucking let..." Lauren was interrupted with Camila's lips crashing into hers. Lauren immediately pushed her off. "Don't do that!" Lauren knew Camila was just trying to keep her from walking away. "You said you loved him. You made your choice Camila." Camila froze, her thoughts fighting each other. "I love you more..." She whispered so low that Lauren almost didn't hear her. "Too fucking late." Was the last thing Lauren said before exiting the room.


"You know I didn't understand why you said I would hate you until you said you loved him." Lauren confessed. Camila just nodded, still having not opened her eyes. "But the worst part was, I didn't hate you. I felt bad for you. I wanted to hate you for not picking me, but I just couldn't, I loved you too much." Lauren laughed at her own words, the sound made Camila smile.

"If you remember correctly, I broke up with him the next day." Camila stated. "So technically, I did pick you." Lauren forgot that minor detail. The thought made her smile. "But, when I tried to talk to you that day ignored me. I wanted to tell you I picked you and I would always pick you. It tore me apart knowing you thought I wanted him more than I wanted you." Camila let out a sigh.

"When I think back on those times, I realize I didn't love him. I wanted to love him because it was acceptable and 'normal' but I have only ever loved one person." Lauren tried to keep a straight face when she asked "Who?" as if she didn't know the answer. Camila just laughed and finally opened her eyes. Lauren was already looking down at her. Camila pulled Lauren's to hers, kissing her. "You." She answered, kissing Lauren again. They both smiled and laughed into the kiss. "I never would have guessed." Lauren joked.

The girls spent the rest of the day watching movies, enjoying the others company. They would occasionally talk over the movies but only briefly. Neither girl knew how much they missed just laying together all day, and neither of them wanted to part for any reason.


I know this is kind of a short chapter but I wanted to end it on a cute part. Hope you guys like the story so far. :)


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