Chapter 28:"#Death"

Start from the beginning

One, I was shot by Will because I was being a hero. I was close to death. I might of saw death. Death was so dark. It was nothing. It felt like nothing but black emptiness. Nathan stuck by my side in the hospital. Only because he was planning on killing me. I can now say I dated a psycho. A crazy person. A killer.

Two, When I woke up. Everything was thrown at me. Alex's death. Nathan's arrest. Maybe for others it didn't hurt. But for me it felt like getting shot again. I start to cry. I wipe my tears away. For me I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to leave this harsh world. This curl world. All it did was hurt me. Damage me. I will never be the Kyle from the start of Junior year. I changed and I will keep changing.

I made it to a little hidden spot in the woods. There was a little stream of water. The grass was green. The sun came in from the top. I smile. I felt happy? A spot that made me feel happy. I don't know why. I see a flower. It was all the way on the water. It was on the edge. I grab it. I put it in a nice spot where it can grow and stand tall. Where it can become something bigger. I lay down on the grass. My face faces the sun that comes in through the little hole in the trees. I close my eyes and just lay there right next to the flower. 

Emma's P.O.V.

"Andrew?" I ask

"Yes?" He says

"Can Gina and I just be alone for a long time?" I ask

"Yeah, Ill go home. Text me if you need to talk." He says grabbing his keys and leaving "love you and stay strong."

"Thanks, love you too." I tell him as he leaves

Gina hugs me. I hug her back. I know she was just a friend but she was part of us. She made us whole. She made us the little group. But now its not a group anymore. Gina and I are not a group. We are just called best friends now. Not the group of best friends. 

"We can get through this." Gina says crying and hugging me harder.

"We can. We have to." I say crying and hugging her back too

Sam was a huge part of us. Yeah sure we fought. But that's what friends do. Friends get mad and fight with each other. In the end we say sorry and move on because all it was, was a stupid fight. We all have been friends since 3rd grade. Maybe we took breaks hanging out together some years but we stuck together for so long. Now she is just gone.

Zoey's P.O.V.

"How's Kyle doing?" Sean asks 

"He will get through this. But its gonna be a fight. A fight that I will have to sacrifice music and his life with."I tell Sean "I can't lose another friend in the hands of death. I can't. I'm worried for him."

I start to tear up and Sean comes over to hug me. To comfort me. What I just said is true. I'm worried that Kyle might kill himself. He's been through a lot and I'm sure that thought has been going through his head. And same thing with Lyla. She still cant handle that Alex's is gone. It's hard for her and I don't blame her. I really don't. 

"How about we watch a funny movie to keep our minds off everything?" Sean asks

"That sounds great." I say wiping away my tears. 

Lyla's P.O.V.

(Play song again if you want) 

I run over to my closet and take down the box with Alex's things. I cant help but cry. I take out the necklace he got me. I take out the notes he left me. I take out the pictures of him. I start to cry. I miss him so much. I really fucken do. It's so hard.

I take out my phone and look at the pictures of him. There was a video I took of me pranking him. I press play:

"Alex come here!" I yell

I sprayed the floor with that thing that makes it really slippery. I was really mean. I smile.

"Oh my god! Look at this!" I yell

"What is it?!" Alex yells


Alex runs and he slips and falls. 

"HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!" I laugh in the video. 

I see Alex laughing at himself. I see his smile. His face that makes me cry. In the video my laugh turns into a pig laugh. 

The video stops...another one plays:

"Happy birth day!!!!" I yell and give Alex his cake

This video was from his birthday. He was so happy after I gave him that cake but I also got him something he really wanted. A Xbox. He really wanted one.

"A cake!" Alex smiles, his smile makes me feel happy and loved. It makes me feel like he is still here with me.

"And..." I smile

I give him a box and say "Open it."

Alex's gets so happy. He runs to the box and opens it. His smile gets big.

"No you didn't!" He yells and hugs me.

In the video I drop my phone because he must've picked me up. I can hear myself laughing and telling alex to put me down. 

I stop the video. I cant help but smile and cry at the same time. He was my everything. I loved him and I still do. The one thing I can do now is save all his videos onto my  Ipod. 

It took about an hour to save all the videos and pictures of him to my Ipod. Next step, delete them from your phone so I can move on with my life. 

I do that. I shut off my Ipod and put it in the box with everything else. I tape the box and look at the box for one last time. Maybe not the last time but for now its the last time. For now. Tears pour down my face. So many of them. I put the box up into the closet 

I loved you Alex. I mean...

I love you Alex.

Kyle's P.O.V.

"Hey." Harley says

I open my eyes and ask "Was I sleeping?"

Harley smiles and says "Yeah, In my little spot."

"Nice spot." I say

"Thanks. I cleared it out for me. I didn't expect for anyone to find it but if you need to come here to clear your head, your welcome to." Harley says smiling

"Wow, your not a bitch." I say laughing

"I'm trying to change. To be a good person and not some bitch." 

"Why? I just wanna know."

"Because people die and leave. Its hard for people. And some people I bullied I notice there either going through it or they want to do it." Harley says "I lost my dad in a crash. My dad was drunk. He killed Alex."

"Oh, Im so sorry." I say

"No, Im sorry. You lost your friend because of my dad. Lyla lost her love becuase of my dad." Harley says

"It's not your fault." I tell her

"I know. But it sure does feel like it." 

"Lay down. Its nice." I say

Harley lays down next to me.

"Close your eyes." I tell her 

She closes her eyes and I close mine. 

It's time for me to stand strong and listen to Jackson. To move on.

(Reminder: If you are ever feeling sad or to the point where you want to kill yourself make sure to talk to someone. Dont keep everything to yourself. Talk to someone close who will understand you.)

(Also, I do not own this song. I'm just using it for the chapter.)

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