Chapter 26: "#Kicked"

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Zoeys P.O.V.

We sing together the last line(s) "You acting kind of shady, ain't callin' me baby. Better say my name."

We smile and hug each other.

All three judges stand up and clap.

"It was amazing!" The girl with the brow hair said

The guy with brown hair said "I loved it!"

The lady with the blond hair was just claping "Zoey you were AMAZING! You hit the high notes really good and Sean you have a great voice."

"Thank you." We both say

"But." She says

My heart drops. I get scared.

She says "We can only accept one of you."

I look over to Sean and he looks over to me.

It's over.

Chapter 26: "#Kicked"


Zoeys P.O.V.

"Only one of us?" I ask

The judge looks at me and says "We need to shorten it up. Right now we have four others. We only can choose one more."

I look at Sean and grab his hand. My career could be over in a second. Any second.

Kyle's P.O.V.

I open my eyes to see Jackson standing there holding on to my hand.

"I didn't mean to call you a-" I say hit Jackson cuts me off.

He says "It's fine. You've been through a lot. I get it. I understand."

I hug him and say "Thank you."

"For what?" He asked

"For understanding." I say hugging him tighter.

He hugs me back tighter.

"Can't breath...." I say laughing

He lets go and we both start to laugh together.

Zoeys P.O.V.

"Okay we made our discussion..." The lady says

I hold Sean's hand tighter.

"Sean." She says

I lose everything. My hope. Everything. My heart stops. Maybe it skiped a beat. But it felt like it stopped.

Sean says "No. I'm sorry but no."

"What? Why?" She asks

"I told you guys when I signed up it wasn't my career. I told you that she wanted it more than me. That this is her life." Sean says looking at me "I'm sorry but no."

"Okay." She says pissed "Zoey."

"You know what?" I say

The judge rolls her eyes and says "What?"

"It's a no from me too." I tell her "You chose him first. The one that told you that it wasn't his career. The one that said this was my life."

She looks shocked and says "You can't."

"Bye." I say

I grab Sean and walk off the stage. We walk out the door.

"I thought it was your dream?" Sean asks

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