Chapter 9: "#F*ckedUp"

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Nathan's P.O.V
I know what I have to do next. I know what I need to do. I, I need to beat up Jackson.

-Chapter 9 "#F*ckedUp"

Kyle's P.O.V.

"WHY!" I yell "Do you just wanna fuck up everyone's relationships!?!?!?"

"First Lyla's  and now mine!!!" I yell more at him

"You didn't stop." Jackson says

"Because you kept going. I said wait." I tell him "I fucken tried!!!"

"Calm down, Kyle."

"I can't!!"

"We can figure this out." Jackson tells me

I walk up to him and look him in the eyes and say "We? There is no we."

I grab my stuff and am about to walk out untill I see Alex walking to his door. Then, behind Alex, it was Nathan.

Lyla's P.O.V.

I call Zoey to pick me up since my mom won't let me drive my car right now. Zoey arrives at the school and I hop in.

"What's wrong?" Zoey asked

"Drive to Jackson's. Alex is gonna beat him up hurry!!" I yell

Zoey pulls out fast. It felt like hours but it was only seconds.

Kyle's P.O.V.

"What the hell?" Jackson says

"Stay back." I tell Jackson and walk over to the door.

I open the door.

"Where is he?" Alex asks

Before I can say a thing Alex pushes me out of the way and so does Nathan.

"STOP!" I yell

They don't listen.

Lyla's P.O.V.

"STOP THE CAR!!!" I yell

Zoey slams on the brakes. I get out of the car and don't close the door. I run to his house. I run inside.

Alex starts to punch Jackson in the face and Nathan starts to kick Jackson.

"STOP!!!" I yell

"I tried that." Kyle says

"Why are you here?" I ask

I ignore it for now and I jump on Alex to make him stop. Zoey runs into the room.


Everyone stops. Even Zoey.

"He might be a jerk and a bully but look at yourselfs. Your just the same as him. There is no difference between any of you. Between me because we all fucked up. We all fucked up and we just have to fucken live with it." Kyle says

Everyone seemed to stop. Jackson's face was so bloody, that you couldn't see a thing.

"It's not his fault." I say "It's mine because I got myself drunk."

"It's not his fault too. It was also mine. I didn't push away but I tried." Kyle says

Alex looks at Lyla. Nathan looks at Kyle. Nathan and Alex both help up Jackson.

Zoey says "I got Jackson."

Zoey grabs Jackson and takes him into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry Nathan." Kyle tells Nathan

"It's fine." He says hugging me

"I don't deserve you." Kyle says

"No, no you do. Everyone makes mistakes in life. I moved because I was a bully at my school. I took things to far and I got my self kicked out." Nathan tells Kyle

Alex pulls me to the side and says "I'm sorry."

"No. It's fine. I was the idiot." I tell him

"I made two mistakes today." Alex says "Hurting someone and breaking up with you."

"Why are you being nice to me after I cheated on you." I ask

"Like Kyle said, we all make big mistakes." Alex smiles and kisses me on the lips.

The weekend...

Kyle's P.O.V.

Everyone decided to hangout at Jackson's house. Lyla, Andrew, Nathan, Zoey, Jackson, and I.

"I'd like to propose a cheers." I say

Everyone nods there heads.

I take a deep breath and say "We are one big family. We may not like each other that much but we are still family. We are always here for each other. We all made mistakes. But now is the time to start over. To put everything behind us. I want this family to last forever." I say raising my bottle of pop.

Everyone else lightly slams there cups into mine and say cheers.

I sit over by Nathan and he puts his arm around me. I smile and put my head on his shoulder.

"Hey. Sorry for hurting you." Nathan says to Jackson

"It's fine, I had it coming." Jackson laughs

"LET'S START THIS PARTY!!!" Zoey yells and plays music. Every gets up and starts to dance.

I made a mistake but doesn't everyone? Yes everyone does. It doesn't mean you can always start over. No. You only get one do over and I got my one do over. We all got our one do over. In life we are bound to make more mistake some we will have to live with thinking we fucked everything up. But some you can fix.

Lyla and Alex start to dance together. Nathan pulls me closer and starts to kiss me.

Zoey's P.O.V.

Jackson sticks out his hand and ask "Wanna dance?"

I smile and say "Why not." I take his hand

We start to dance together. Everyone starts to dance together and we get into a group dance.

"I love you all so much!" I yell and laugh

We all get into one big group hug. Then, we start to laugh. We start to dance again.

Everyone starts to smile again. I feel like we are the happyest family in the world. But the thought of not seeing everyone after this makes my stomach hurt. After next year, well most of us are gonna split up. Unless we all go to the same college in New York. But that's very dought full. Maybe Kyle. He will probably find a way that we could all go to New York. Kyle always has a way.I'm gonna miss everyone that leave us. Alex is a basketball player. I guess he could play basket ball in New York with Lyla. But I'm here single as Fuck. I need someone in my life. Everyone here has a date besides me. I laugh to myself. Andrew sits down because he wasn't feeling well.

But something tells me that our storys...that our storys won't end well. I just have this feeling.

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