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Sanskar: swara!!! Listen to me!! I was just doing that to irritate you!!

Swara whose back was facing sanky  smiled without his notice! As she is faking her anger!

Sanskar: swara!!....

Swara: hmm...

Sanskar: swara! I want my talkative swara!! You asked me na! About love whether it comes only by seeing face! No swara! It comes from heart!
See arnav and kushi! Even after she went to coma, he was just thinking of her! Do you think that with our help he brought kushi back?! No swara, it was only because of his love!

You are the only one I aways wanted !! I want to live with you till the end of my life! I want to hold your hands! I want to breakdown in your shoulder when I'm in grief! I want to laugh with you and share my every happiness! And moreover I don't want you only as my wife! First I want you as my friend!
Then my love! And then my wife! And I don't want any physical things from you , I just want your love swara!!

I love you swara! Will you marry me ! And be the light of my life?!

Swara had happy tears in her eyes wen he started speaking! And while he ended she is just sobbing like anything!

She immediately turned and ran to him and hugged him!!..

Sanky too hugged her..


Laksh: ragz!!!

Ragini: hmmm......

Laksh: I donno how to calm u down!!
You yourself know that I don't know to speak cheesy dialogues! I donno whether I ll be like arnav! He even after losing his love he fighted back and won her!! But I don't think that I ll ge like him...coz if I ever found my love at that state I ll die!!!

He got tears in his eyes!!

Ragini smiled with teary eyes and hugged him..

Ragini: laksh......

Laksh immediately started laughing!!

Laksh: idiot did you think  that I was talking seriously!! Haha!! Do you think I ll even slip into coma if you go to coma!! Haha!!I ll jus Thank God for his big help and escape!!

Ragini punched his stomach and hugged him..

She knows that he is lying!! Coz she already saw his tears!!!

Laksh(in mind):god don't ever separate me from my love!! I didn't just say those words! I mean it!! And don't take that second statement seriously in which I said tat I would be happy! Hehe!


Kushi was blabbering to herself in her room..

Arnav entered the room at that time but she didn't notice him..

Kushi: wat is happening around me!! Arnav ji is talking to me as if he haven't seen me for ages!! These guys have even forgot about their marriage!! Dp uncle was saying something about project! He even cancelled the marriage!! He already know about their love?!

Arnav: Kushi!!

Kushi: haa!!

Arnav: don't think too much! And first sleep okk!!

Kushi: hmm but!

Arnav placed his hand on her lips!!

Arnav: I love you kushi!!

Kushi smiled beneath his fingers...

Slowly she moved towards him with his hands on her lips and held his hand tightly against his lips and kissed him..

Arnav tried to remove his hands..

Arnav: kushi this is cheating! You should have kissed me after I took my hand..you didn't miss me you just kissed my hands!!
You are going to pay for it!!

He smiled mischievously..

Kushi started running

Arnav held her by her waist!!

Arnav holded her close and saw her eyes..she was lost in his eyes!!

Arnav couldn't control himself he is with his wife after one year!!!

He wanted to show all his love to her..

He slowly lifted her in bridal style and placed her on bed

And they both became intimate!

Next morning:

There was a huge problem going on in their house as dp cancelled the marriage of sanky n laksh

And so pari's family decided even to break her marriage .

adharsh was broken..

But pari was stubborn that she ll only marry adharsh or Else would remain unmarried..

She threatened every one so that they agreed for the marriage!

Marriage preparation were going on full swing!

love strengthens relationship Swasan & Raglak FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang