chappie 12

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Happie valentines day friends!! And here s ur treat!! But single and happie.😂😉😋!

And guys! Sry fr d inconvenience I've mentioned sneka as swaragini's Frnd! But now I changed the character's name which is sonakshi!!!!!

Next mrng swaragini got ready to pick their Frnd from railway station!!

sanlaK too joined them!!

They al went to railway station!!

Seeing a girl swaragini ran and hugged her!! She too hugged her!! They three were smiling a lot !! All the tooth are visible in their mouth!! They  donno to express their feelings!

Sonakshi: she was not too fair!! She was too beautiful!! And wearing a red top and a blue jean!!and her hair was tied as pony tail!! And some fringes behind her ears! She was too homely by face!!!she was lean and height!! somewat looking lyk a small kid not lyk one who finished her degree!!

Soon after their hug!!swaragini introduced her to sanlaK, but she only smiled!!

They got in the car!!

Sanskar was driving the car laksh on next seat and the girls behind!

Swaragini came to know tat she wasn't comfortable due to sanlaK! She was talking less!!

Laksh: hey baby girl!!

Sonakshi: hii!!

Laksh: y r u too silent?! Sweetheart?!

Sonakshi: nothing ! I'll always b quiet!

She said and winked at swaragini without his notice!!

Ragini held her heart as if getting heart attack!!

Ragini: swara!! Plz open the door!! I can't hear these sort of things!!

Swara: wat to do?! Rags!! Its al our fate..!!

Sonakshi laughed!!

Laksh: sona! They told that u r too talkative!!

Ragini was somewhat upset as he called her shortly as sona!

Sonakshi: bhaiya!! They are always lyk this only!! They ll say lie??!! See me am I looking lyk a talkative girl?!

Ragini laughed as she called him bhaiya!!but she couldn't believe laksh reaction!

Laksh: hahah!! No dear sissy!! U r looking so sweet!!
He pulled her cheeks!!

Swaragsan were shocked!! As they haven't seen laksh Calling a girl sister!!

Sanskar: woww!! Lucky!! U r calling her as sister!!

Lucky: ya!! Watz wrong in it?!!!

Swara: ohhh!!! Wowwww!!! Now itself u got a bhai!!! Daughter!!! So u'll forget us!!

Sonakshi: hahah!! Ya !!

Ragini used to call sonakshi as her partner;)!! And swara as daughter!!

Ragini: then partner!! Will u not b my side?!!

Sonakshi: no Partner! I'll always b ur side!!

They both hugged!!

Sanskar : sonakshi!!but u can only take one side!! As they two ll only fight!!

Sona: watt?!!!

Sanskar: haha!! Yaa!!

Sona: lucky bhai!! Will u tease my partner?!!

Laksh:no she' ll only tease me!!

Sonu: will u tease him partner!!

Rags:no Partner!! He ll only tease me!!

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