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Recap: swasan raglak n arnav's frst tym travel

Soon they all left from that research lab..

They reached home!!

Sujatha: where have u girls been?! I was worried!

Rags: we were simply fr an outing mom!

Swara: yes mummyyyyy!!!

Sujatha: okk come all of u let's have dinner!

Sanky: no mom! We have an important work! We ll come after finishing tat!

Saying this he dragged arnav to his room!

Swaraglak: we too have to go mom!

Sujatha looked at them surprisingly!

They all went to sanlaK 's room

Laksh: frst you tell abt kushi!

Swara: wait a min!

Saying this she ran downstairs and brought a pack full of snacks!

Laksh: this girl na!!

Swara made a puppy face!

Laksh: okok no probs!! Come here and sit near me!! We ll share it!!

Swara: Huhhhh!!!!! No chance !!

Laksh and swara started fighting for snacks!!

Rags: guys!! B serious!!

Arnav u cntnue!!

Arnav: okkk!!! I'll tell!!

Laksh: all see up!! Flashback is gng to start!!!


It all started before two years!!

I was 25! My dad was too sick even at that tym and hence he wanted me to get married!!

My father's mom wanted   me to marry  Any of these two girls!! But my father was opposing it!!

She disliked them for some reason!!

I still dont  y he was opposing it?!

Tats wen I met kushi!!!

My life..

My love..

My wife..

Rags: wat u got married!!

Arnav: yes!!!

Sanky: then y u agreed to get married to rags!!

Arnav: I already told na I took it as a chance to get in here!! However I decided to break the truth before marriage!!

Now plz don't disturb lemme cntnue!!
Or else I ll say tmrw!

Swara: noo!! We ll listen!!

She said grinding the snacks!

Two years before.....

Arnav's dad: get ready we hav to go see tat girl whom i saw fr u!!

Arnav: yes dad!!!

Soon they reached there!!

All the rituals were according to tamilnadu! As kushi was an madrasan

There she was standing in front of me with a beautiful saree!!

She was an dentist!

Swara: omg! Another dentist!! If this situation goes on! I'll not even get a single patient!!

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